I'm a Florida native, so I'm pretty familiar with them. OTHOH, I've also been lucky enough that in my 31 years living in FL, I've never been more than severely inconvenienced by a storm
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That was so well written, thanks for taking the time to write this all out. Katrina has made me re-evaluate how i would move my 6 cats if i had to quickly, the worst natural disaster we fear in Michigan is a Tornado (which means running to the basement) but i don't think one could ever be too prepared for ANYthing. I've thought many times about what to do in case of fire-#1 being remain calm, my cats really pick up on when i am freaked out. I have a plan using something that attracts them all & they would be herded into carriers-2 in each. I know things can happen to deter even the best of plans, so remaining calm is my #1 priority to save their lives...
Honestly, if you want to thank me, just spread the word of disaster-pet-preparedessness. I am noone... but it's a very important message, I think.
A few years ago, one of my roomates (back when she was "only" a close friend of mine, not actually living with me) had a fire scare. She came home to her entire apartment being filled with smoke. IIRC, she was able to get 2 of her 6 cats to safety before the firemen wouldn't let her back in. That alone was enough to get me thinking. Luckily, there wasn't a "real" fire, in that case, and even the cats who resisted rescuing were fine.
Still, it makes you think...
And in the wake of Katrina, I'm thinking that we pet owners could *really* stand to do more thinking. :|
I hope this doesn't sound disingenuous, because that's not the way I mean it... but thank you for thinking about your furry family members before you're forced to.
I'm forwarding your message to all of my friends who have pets. The one thing we CAN do beforehand is have a plan--be prepared. Being caught & confused & panicky never helps anyone...
I think about that sometimes, too. Right now we've got two cats and a parrot but only two carriers. If there were an evacuation order, my pets would be the first thing I'd grab. Even if the flood/fire/huricane misses them, they could only survive for a couple days without fresh food and water. I really feel for all those animals that were abandoned, especially abandoned against the owner's will. There's a parrot rescue being organized in LA and apparently the trees are just full of birds.
Comments 4
A few years ago, one of my roomates (back when she was "only" a close friend of mine, not actually living with me) had a fire scare. She came home to her entire apartment being filled with smoke. IIRC, she was able to get 2 of her 6 cats to safety before the firemen wouldn't let her back in. That alone was enough to get me thinking. Luckily, there wasn't a "real" fire, in that case, and even the cats who resisted rescuing were fine.
Still, it makes you think...
And in the wake of Katrina, I'm thinking that we pet owners could *really* stand to do more thinking. :|
I hope this doesn't sound disingenuous, because that's not the way I mean it... but thank you for thinking about your furry family members before you're forced to.
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