woah, today was sunny and fifty-degrees-ish. happy happy. the summer will be nice (i am staying in chicago for most of it).
also, i found my
old livejournal - it is hours of amusement.
Name: (Jessica Elise Moreno)
Sex: Female (F)
Age: 21 (18)
Screen Name: look ponies (knittingprn)
Meaning: exactly what it says (it existed in the 50's... and should still exist, in a perfect world.)
Siblings: greg is 17 now. (younger brother greg, 13)
Status: single (not looking anymore)
Pets: i'm making a lot of paintings of ripley lately (ripley, cream labrador)
Writing Hand: (right)
Nervous Habits: playing with my hair, putting on carmex, scrolling through text messages or photos on my cell phone (playing with my hair, doodling, staring at things or people)
Do you bite your nails? (no)
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? (no)
Can you blow smoke rings? yes (no)
Can you blow spit bubbles? (YESSS!!!)
Can you flare your nostrils? (umm not on purpose)
Can you cross your eyes? (of course)
Tattoos? (nope)
Piercing? nose + the 2 each ear (2 each ear. i'm not very cool at all.)
Do you make your bed daily? (well i kind of pull up the covers so dust doesn't settle, i suppose...)
What goes on first, underwear or socks? underwear (umm it makes getting dressed FAR more fun to run around in socks and nothing else for a while before putting on clothes.)
Which shoe goes on first? i don't have a system for this (right i guess, now that i think about it.)
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? earrings, nose... thing? does it have a name? and i wear my silver bracelet a lot. (earrings)
What's sexiest on a guy? confidence, good fashion decisions, and being a good person (i don't feel like giving long answers. so i'll just say sexy hair as defined by me.)
What's sexiest on a girl? confidence, good fashion decisions, and being a good person (pretty eyes)
Favorite Piece of Clothing: leggings (seven jeans)
Pajamas: (tank top, underwear)
Have you ever eaten Spam? yes, erik made some kind of sushi out of it (i don't think so)
Favorite Ice Cream? rose, green tea, coconut (green tea, coconut, chocolate gelato)
How many cereals in your cabinet? none, i just ran out of apple jacks (cabinet... *sniff* i miss having a cabinet :( downstairs in the DC i believe there are 6 selections.)
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? (none)
How often do you brush your teeth? (twice a day)
How often do you shower/bathe? once a day, sometimes twice, sometimes none. (once a day usually)
How long does your shower last? a long long time, sometimes they involve a bath too. (a long long long time, especially when i'm at home in my own nice clean personal NOT-DISEASE-INFESTED shower.)
Hair drying method? blowdry half-way, air-dry the rest. (blowdry)
If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink it? (probably not...)
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs: 50 pounds, i'd gain it back. (umm if i weighed 50 lbs. it wouldn't be THAT much of a difference (i kid, i kid). and i could always gain it back, and herpes is forever, and that sucks.)
Do you swear? yes (only if i'm really excited or upset)
Do you ever spit? sometimes, not in public though. (only when i used to smoke)
Animal: ducks, horses (ducks or kittens)
Food: i really like japanese food and good cheeseburgers (fancy desserts and japanese food)
Month: (may)
Day: (friday)
Cartoon: right now, aquateen i guess. (things by don hertzfeldt)
Flower: magnolias, roses (poppies, roses, passion flowers, orchids)
Shoe Brand: i don't know, keds? (irregular choice, although i will never be able to afford them. and dr. martens because i'm hardcore like that.)
Subject in school: uh, painting? gaylen's class. (sculpture)
Color: (a certain very specific shade of green)
TV show: LOST (umm the only one i watch regularly is america's next top model. it's a party every tuesday night at 9 in alexis's room.)
Movie: lots of them. (too many. the dreamers was really really good.)
Book: oh god i don't know right now. i just read "flatland: a romance in many dimensions", which is about geometry but is also a satire of victorian society, which was pretty great. right now i'm reading "surely you're joking, mr. feynman", the memoirs of richard feynman. (the unbearable lightness of being)
Vacationing Spot: i'd like to go somewhere tropical in the near future. (paris)
TV Station: abc.com, i don't have a tv. (station? isn't that for the radio? i don't really watch tv.)
The CD Player: woah, ipods are new since this was around. (björk greatest hits)
Person you talk most on the phone with: sachi? tamia? (oh my... either jesse or my mom.)
Ever taken a cab? (yes)
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? yeah, i guess so. (...sort of. okay, yeah, all the time.)
What color is your bedroom? white (white... not allowed to paint this stupid ugly dorm room.)
Do you use an alarm clock? (i use my cell phone.)
Name one thing you are obsessed with: hah, that is still true. (being in love)
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? (sure)
sunbathed nude? no. (i went tanning nude once. that was weird.)
Window seat or aisle? depends if i'm traveling alone or not (window, i love watching.)
What's your sleeping position? all of them (everywhere. at the same time.)
What kind of bed do you like? a big one low to the ground (a big one low to the ground. with a cute boy in it for me to cuddle with.)
Do you snore? no. i have witnesses. (not that i know of, unless i'm sick maybe.)
Do you sleepwalk? (no)
Do you talk in your sleep? (occasionally)
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? (duck-duck <3)
Coke or Pepsi? regular coke. i only said i liked cherry coke because my boyfriend did. (coke. the cherry variety.)
Apples or Oranges: (oranges)
One pillow or two? yeah, as many as possible(as many as possible)
Deaf or blind? (deaf)
Pools or hot tubs? pool (hot tub, then into the freezing pool for 2 seconds, then hot tub again as quickly as possible, and then a lot of pain all over because thats the same thing that causes glass to break (i will never do that again).)
Blondes or brunettes? for boys? both. (brunettes)
TV or radio? tv (neither. internet.)
Tic-Tacs or Certs? wait, what are certs again? (tic-tacs as candy)
Snooze button or jump out of bed? straight out of bed, i use my phone as an alarm and there is never any snoozing for me. (out of bed, i never have to wake up earlier than 9:30)
Sunrise or Sunset? (sunset)
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? CHEESEBURGERZ R AWESOME (cheeseburger)
Morning or night? (night)
Indoors or outdoors? outdoors (both)
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? christmas eve, party with the fam. (day)
Cake or ice cream? ice cream (what kind of cake? if it's chocolate, then i choose cake. especially if there's raspberry stuff in it too.)
Bert or Ernie? ohhhh both they NEEEEEED each other (umm ernie was less creepy.)
Spicy or Mild? (mild)
Spearmint or Peppermint? i prefer more the "winter" variety of mints these days (peppermint)
Call or Write? call, but its nice to send and receive letters too. (both, obsessively)
Peanut Butter or Jelly? i don't really eat peanut butter much, and i only eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the summer with iced tea. (chunky peanut butter, seedless raspberry jelly, together.)
Dog or Cat? dogs, i don't know what i was talking about. (in general, dogs, but there are cetain cats who i would eat my own heart for.)
Bath or shower? both, one after the other (shower alone, bath with company)
Book or Movie? (book alone, movie with company)
Green or Red apples? (green)
Rain or Snow? snow (rain)
some news of my life:
- buttons died, but this happened a long time ago. it was over winter break and someone else was taking care of him. sachi asked me once, a while before it happened, "would you cry if he died?" and i said "no."
- i've been given a sort-of promotion at work (volunteer-ship?) - i get to do skinning now. on wednesday i skinned a squirrel. it's kind of exhilirating to pull an animal's guts out with your bare hands. also, after you skin something it looks reallllllly creepy, and a word of advice from my boss: "just... try not to puncture the eye. it's not really a big deal if you do, it's just kind of messy."
- being single is weird. i find myself being surprisingly forward. to the men-types, that is. it's, oh my god i didn't think i'd ever say this, it's kind of fun.
- i think i am still drunk from last night.
- i am actually really really excited that my parents are coming in a couple weeks for the show. like, so excited that i feel kind of nerdy about it. i just want to clean my house and plan tours of the city for them. i already bought them a "chicago" magnet which i will present to them at the airport.
- i'm doing paintings of my dog. he is awesome, i miss him a lot.
- the weather is unreal. i might go to the park later and do some reading. you all need to understand how nice it is to go outside here without there being a -15 degree windchill.