new computer, new digital camera, new levi's, lots of new movies, saw angelyne at the coffee bean by my house (again), drove on the freeway for the first time unsupervised (leo doesn't count as supervision). things are good
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it's rainy and wet. i find that i have to keep reminding myself that this is winter break and not summer, because this is california and the difference is only very slight
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dudes, so i am going back to los angeles, CA tomorrow and i am really excited. i'm so excited that it kind of doesn't matter that it's 21-feels-like-12 degrees out today here in chicago. i guess i'm a little nostalgic and teary today since it will be my last day in chicago for a long long time. i'm pretty proud of how i spent my last week here
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well, i'm really worried i have the flu. and just in time for finals week! i hope it's the flu and not something weird and horrible. actually, i hope even more that it's nothing at all except strange nausea. it's pretty annoying because i can't eat anything without feeling sick
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so tonight is our amazing christmas party. our apartment is so clean, you wouldn't believe it! there will be alcoholic cider, 2 varieties of cookies, mistletoe, and many more exciting things! holiday sweaters are strongly encouraged.