Jul 26, 2009 20:14
1) Sign ups are requied
So that we know who is taking part, what fandom(s) you're writing in (to assure it really is a small fandom) and to make sure you meet the word count requirement (see below), you'll need to sign up. Also because we'll need to know who to actually permit access to the community to (we'll be having locked posts for authors and artists).
Co-authors ARE allowed, but you will both be required to officially sign-up (stating in your sign up comment who you are co-writing with) and join the community.
2) Stories MUST be a small fandom from our list of small fandoms
The small fandoms for this challenge are: Being Human, Castle, Chronicles of Riddick, Dark Angel, The Dead Zone, Eureka, Hewligan, Primeval, Psych, and Pushing Daisies.
Because we're going to try and run this like a regular Big Bang with art for each of the stories, we're limiting the fandoms to make it easier to hopefully try and find artists willing to create art for those fandoms. But please note that because these ARE small fandoms, there IS a chance that we won't have artists willing to create art for ALL of the fandoms. Also, having a set number of fandoms makes it easier to keep things organized. For this challenge, fandoms will be looked at individually to decide if they're really a small fandom but here's an example for examples sake. Dark Angel, Psych, Eureka are all considered small fandoms. NCIS, Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural are not. As I said, we're looking at it individually because there are some fandoms that could be considered small fandoms but have their own Big Bang challenges which disqualifies them from this challenge.
3) Crossovers are permitted but MUST be between other small fandoms
Crossovers between fandoms that have big bangs of their own or are known to be a very large fandom are not permitted (see above).
4) Fandoms that have their OWN Big Bang challenge do NOT qualify as a small fandom
For the most part people probably have a pretty good idea whether or not a fandom that they're suggesting for this Big Bang actually already has it's own Big Bang challenge, but we will be checking to make sure. However, because sometimes people get creative in their naming of Big Bang challenges, it is possible we didn't find one, so if you know of any of the ten fandoms we've chosen already having a Big Bang specifically for that fandom please let us know.
5) NO RPS, incest or underage sex
For the purposes of this challenge, pairing two characters played by the same actor is going to fall under incest, as well as pairing two characters who are not blood related but were raised together as brother and sister, and anyone under 18 will be considered under age. To clarify, this doesn't mean you can't write stories WITH people under 18 IN them, they just can't be having sex. ;)
6) You must have written a story that was at least 5000 words before you can sign up
I initially thought of NOT having a previous word count requirement, but I think that it is prudent to have one for the first Big Bang at the very least.
7) PLEASE be sure, before you sign up, that you really think you can make the word count of 20,000 words.
I know that there is the temptation to sign up, even knowing you probably won't finish the story because BIG BANG! FANFIC! YAY! but I really do encourage you to be sure, before signing up, that you really can finish the fic because I really am looking forward to all of the fanfic this can potentially produced and would hate to see a bunch of people dropping out halfway through because they took on more than they could handle, leaving us with only two or three authors. I want this to be a BIG BANG and not a BIG FLOP. *G*
8) Your story MUST be betaed by TWO people
I know this might be an issue for some people however, this is an absolute must. We will be having a sign up post for people offering their mad betaing skillz and you can find betas there, or, if you prefer you can use your own betas. Please be sure that the betas you are using really ARE betas, not just friends cheering you on. You should, at the absolute minimum, have a beta that will check your spelling and your grammar. Someone to check your continuity, plot and characterization would be wonderful too, but for the purposes of this challenge, the minimum I am asking is that you have someone beta your story for any spelling/grammar mistakes. To qualify for one of the betas from this community, your story must have at least 7500 words written before you can ask for one of our betas.
9) Support groups are NOT mandatory.
Some people write better when they have a support group of people urging them on when the desire to write starts to fade, or when they start doubting if the story is still working and then some people work better alone. I'm not going to force anyone to be in a group if they prefer not to, but the option will be made available for those that would like to take advantage of it. It will be up to you and your group (if you choose that option) to decide how you will be in contact with each other (email, IM, livejournal etc.).
10) ART!
You will ONLY be guaranteed art for your story if you have, on the day of the draft deadline, a COMPLETE but unpolished first draft of your story ready to be given to your assigned artist so that they can begin work on whatever they are inspired to create after reading your story. A complete draft means that the story is whole but just needs some cosmetic work to it such as cleaning up a bit of dialogue or making a few scenes sharper. It does not mean that you can go back and do major changes to the plot. What you send to your artist should be almost exactly what you will be posting on the final deadline.
If you do not have a COMPLETE first draft ready for the deadline, we cannot guarantee you will get any art for your story. Again, this is assuming that we have people signing up willing to create art for ALL of the ten fandoms. Sign-ups are visible to everyone so, if getting art is one of the main reasons you are considering doing this challenge, please look through the art sign-up post to see if the fandom you want to write for actually has any artists willing to create art for it.
things to know,