
Jul 08, 2005 12:07

Grabbed from Phonecia


1) pierce your nose or tongue?: Neither. If I were forced to choose one, nose
2) be serious or be funny?: Yes? That really depends on the company and the mood...
3) drink whole or skim milk?: Skim

4) simple or complicated?: I don't see how any individual person could be considered "simple." Everyone has an amazing level of complexity to them. So complicated

5) flowers or angels?: What? How can two entirely different things be compared like that? If we're talking about decorations though (as phonecia suggested) then flowers.
6) grey or gray?: gray...though it's entirely random
7) color or black-and-white photos?: Both. Again, differrent things, different purposes. It depends on what you want your photo to say and be
8) lust or love?: Love
9) sunrise or sunset?: sunset. Though sunrise is pretty amazing too. Except when you're driving due east into the sunrise. Then I hate it.
10) m&ms or skittles? M&Ms, clearly
11) rap or rock?: Rock
12) staying up late or waking up early?: Getting up early, though there are times when I stay up late too (WoW...)
13) TV or radio?: Tough one...NPR is one of my favorite things on the planet. But some things are just better done on TV
14) eating apples or oranges?: If they're fresh and regionally grown, either. Apples in Minnesota in the fall are the best in the world though.

15) Do you have a crush?: Hmm...lemme think...YES
16) Who is it? flanphnix

17) being hot or cold?: Cold. You can always put on more clothes. You can only take so much off.
18) shorter or taller...? What kind of ridiculous question is this? I'm tall, I like it. How's that?
19) sun or moon?: Another ridiculous question...the sun, because life would be very difficult without it. And I live in Minnesota. We don't get enough sun.
20) emeralds or rubies?: Jewelry? Riiight...emeralds, I guess
21) left or right handed? I'm a righty.
22) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?: HAHAHAHA. How silly. I don't even know the appropriate way to answer that...
23) sun or rain?: Yes? We don't get enough sun in MN, but playing ultimate in the rain is the best.
24) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: Vanilla, with chocolate sauce and a brownie. Otherwise chocolate.

25) What is your biggest fear in the world? losing someone I care about
26) Kids or no kids? Eh, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it
27) Cat or dog?: Dog, for sure
28) Half empty or half full?: hey, I ordered a cheeseburger!
29) Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup
30) Hard cover books or soft cover books?: It doesn't matter. If it's a book, I'll read it.
31) Newspaper or magazine?: Newspaper. I like eating and reading in the morning.
32) Sandals or sneakers?: Both. Chacos are my favorite things, but it's really hard to play basketball in chacos. Also, I still live in Minnesota. sandals are only possible for about 4-5 months out of the year.
33) Wonder or amazement?: Both
34) Red car or white car?: Red
35) Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and poor
36) Singing or dancing? I just SING
37) Hugging or kissing?: hugging
38) Happy or sad?: I'll just leave Phonecia's answer: Why would you want to be sad? Happy is so much more fun!
39) Blonde, brunette?: I have hair...

What time is it?: 12:20pm
Nicknames: Mike, Ringo, smallferret
Names of siblings and age?: Sally, Golden Retriever, 10 (that's 70 in people years)
Birthdate and place: Feb. 5, 1982, Minneapolis, MN
Pets?: See sibling
Eye color?: Blue
Hair color?: brownish

Where do you want to live?: somewhere that has a roof and four walls. I'm not that picky.
How many kids do you want?: See above about wanting kids
Do you want to get married?: see above about wanting kids

2 doors or 4 (on a car)?: four, clearly
Coffee or ice cream?: Ice cream.
Shampoo or conditioner?: Some questions were just not meant for me. shampoo, I guess
Bridges or tunnels?: Bridges
One pillow or two?: one, two when I'm sick

Salad dressing?: A Good caesar. Otherwise italian
Color of socks?: don't really have a's pretty arbitrary
food?: steak. Or maybe sweet corn. What's in season right now?
color?: blue, red, green, whatever
Non-alcoholic drink?: Strawberry milkshakes. Or Coke.

1 minute ago: I was sitting here working on this survey
1 day ago: Playing WoW
1 week ago: driving to Kansas
1 YEAR AGO: Sitting on the rim of the Grand Canyon

I AM: therefore I think (If the relationship that Descartes proposed was an if-and-only-if relationship)

what are u wearing: khaki shorts, t-shirt.
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