Once you've signed up for the contest you'll automatically gain a skip chance. This is used for either when you have a block when creating an icon and you want to skip a challenge, or you just want to skip a round. Everyone automatically gains one to use at any time they're in the duration of the contest. It lasts the round you're in. When you're knocked out, you lose the chance if you didn't use it, and it will not carry on to the next round when you sign up (you start from scratch).
To gain another skip chance you must link the community back in some way (legit too, not breaking rules at other people's boards/communities). Link to the page it's on here with your username and you'll gain an added Skip Chance. It must remain there during when you've joined the round. The following round if you continue to stay and the LINK IS STILL THERE, and fully working you'll gain another skip chance (like a thank you for pimping the community).
NEW RULE - Limit of two skip chances per person, per round. Sorry for the inconvenience, and also to use your skip chances you CAN NOT use them in a row (if you have two). You must participate in a round in between your skips.
So the list is behind the cut. If you want to USE the chance comment with the LINK TO THE challenge you're skipping and your LJ user. Don't fill it properly or use it in another thread/post it will not count. It's important you do so correctly.
16tosvo - 1
freelancer_47 - 2 (DNS, ch1)
bendy1 - 1 (DNS, ch5)
historyavenger (USED 1, ch2)
moonaball (USED 1, ch2)
ladybug1219 (USED 1, ch2)
syrenslure (USED 1, ch2)
windfallen (USED 1, ch3)
_euphory (USED 1, ch3 / DNS, ch10)
tybone (USED 2, ch5 & ch9)
nelliewu (USED 1, ch5 & ch11)
beeej (USED 1, ch9)
duskwillow (USED 1, ch10)
zhylosa - 1 (ELM, ch1)
la-tentacion - 1 (ELM, ch2)
syrenslure - 1 (ELM, ch3)
bluegarnet - 1 (ELM, ch4)
darkmoore - 1 (ELM, ch5)
strutyourstyle - 1 (ELM, ch6)
samjack_girl - 1 (ELM, ch7)
khriv_icons - 2 (ELM, ch8)
sadiebabi - 1 (ELM, ch9)
lonekitty - 1 (ELM, ch9)