Challenge Rules for Artists
1. You agree to create at least one piece of art to accompany one of the 2011 Big Bang stories.
2. Art can be of any type: original illustration, cover art, photo manip., etc.
3. Art can be of any rating you choose (but out of consideration, it would be a good idea to consult with your writer before creating anything too explicit).
4. You will be able to post your artwork at your livejournal or site, and we'll create a master list of links and summaries at the community.
5. Art cannot be posted anywhere prior to your assigned posting date.
7. Artists must agree to stay in communication with their assigned author, once you've matched up.
Important Deadlines:
On August 25th a list of story titles and summaries will be posted anonymously for you to claim as prompts on a first come, first served basis. Once you have claimed a prompt, you will be able to contact the author and review the story draft for additional inspiration.
Your author should have a copy of your artwork by October 5th.
An assigned, staggered posting schedule will begin no later than October 11th.
To sign up:
Please comment below with the following information:
LJ username:
We're not going to hold you to this, but just to get an idea…
Would you prefer to work on slash, femslash, gen or het?
Would you be willing to be a pinch hitter?