Would very much like linkage please! So sorry, that all this has put you in a headspace that is uncomfortable. It's better to shut this down to friends only if it's going to make you feel less "out there". Will definitely follow you to the ends of the earth...or the ends of livejournal and the internet, lol! I would love it if you could friend me back so I can still keep visiting all the yumminess. I'll send along a message as well.
Thank you for every piece you've shared with us. I hope to be able to keep following you. xx
No problem ^^ I sent you a message with the link to the new account and I also added you as friend here so that you can carry on enjoying this account when it's gonna be friends only. Just let me know if it's ok for you ^^ yes, continuing posting here was making me uncomfortable. I preferred creating a new journal, particularly with the claims of Sprinflings and Masquerade coming up! :/ Thank you so much :)
No problem ^^ I sent you a message with the link to the new account and I also added you as friend here so that you can carry on enjoying this account when it's gonna be friends only. Just let me know if it's ok for you ^^ Thank you so much :)
Même demande que les autres, j'aimerais pouvoir suivre ce que tu fais à l'avenir et continuer à profiter de tes anciens dessins. Je ne vais pas suffisamment souvent sur les autres réseaux, par pur manque de temps, pour être sûre de ne rien manquer. Et je te comprends tout à fait, je suis presque certaine qu'une de mes collègues a trouvé l'adresse de mon LJ, que je lui aurais donnée si j'avais voulu partager ça avec elle, mais peu de gens comprennent la notion de vie privée apparemment. La curiosité est vraiment un vilain défaut, et elle gâche le plaisir de tout le monde ! Enfin, si tu as besoin d'un PM plutôt que de ce message, je peux le faire aussi. Merci de nous avoir tenus au courant :)
Oui, ça me gâche le plaisir. Mon copain est plutôt cool mais je ne me sens pas l'envie de poster du J2 très "olé olé" maintenant que je sais qu'il traine par ici. J'ai préféré me barrer. J'ai perdu près de 7000 followers sur Tumblr et je ne sais combien de pageviews sur Deviant Art mais bon, la tranquillité d'esprit, ça n'a pas de prix. Je t'ai envoyé un message avec les nouveaux liens et je t'ai ajouté comme amie. Un nouveau départ, yah \o/ Merci beaucoup ^^
No problem ^^ I sent you a message with the link to the new account and I also added you as friend here so that you can carry on enjoying this account when it's gonna be friends only. Just let me know if it's ok for you ^^ Thank you so much :)
No problem ^^ I sent you a message with the link to the new account and I also added you as friend here so that you can carry on enjoying this account when it's gonna be friends only. Just let me know if it's ok for you ^^ Yes, it sucks! It's so much work to remove and repost everything T__T Thank you so much :)
Comments 88
Thank you for every piece you've shared with us. I hope to be able to keep following you. xx
yes, continuing posting here was making me uncomfortable. I preferred creating a new journal, particularly with the claims of Sprinflings and Masquerade coming up! :/
Thank you so much :)
Thank you so much :)
Je t'ai envoyé un message avec les nouveaux liens et je t'ai ajouté comme amie.
Un nouveau départ, yah \o/
Merci beaucoup ^^
Thank you and carry on my friend :)
Thank you so much :)
I would like to be linked to the new account and friended on this one if its not too much to ask. :D
Yes, it sucks! It's so much work to remove and repost everything T__T
Thank you so much :)
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