1 - It turns out getting a Sales Tax License in PA is free, you just have to file quarterly reports.
2 - If I'm going to open an Etsy store, I might very well want to divorce the stuff like Cutethulhu and the amigurumitopus from the jewelry, eventually, if not from the very start.
2a - There's no rule against having multiple stores, but you do need full disclosure on each, linking to the other.
2b - I'd still need names for the verdammt stores, among other things (like striking banners and business cards).
2c - I'd also need to set up a Paypal account with regional tax info, and figure out how to ship things most cheaply.
3 - I've learned about as much working with 3/4 temper stainless steel as I ever will.
3a - I still have a whole frakking lot of steel wire.
3b - I should probably figure out something easier to do with it than trichinopoly so I can sell it, and perhaps earn the money to start working silver.
3c - I'm never going to be able to anneal it at home, and should therefore focus on more open, anachronistic weaves if I'm going to do trich with it from here on out.
4 - I need to change to softer craft metals to unlearn bad habits from working with steel.
4a - Long wire lengths lead to work hardening. Work hardening leads to poor drawplate results. Poor drawplate results leads to a less period appearance. A less period appearance leads to suffering.
4b - I'm going to need to be able to anneal whatever I work with, even using short lengths. This means practicing with copper next, at least, and getting a torch, because the oven doesn't go high enough and I lack heat control in the charcoal grill.
4c - I'm probably going to ruin several hours of work one or more times when I start trying to anneal silver, and I need to work on accepting that idea now.