Even if you don't read German...

Feb 24, 2010 23:56

Busy day, helped one friend move across town, went to a party for another moving out of state... but that's not what this entry is about. This entry is, naturally enough, about the day to day travails of being a ninja.

Subtitles for the German impaired:
"Excuse me! Could you give me a quick hand? The motion sensor doesn't detect me, because I'm a ninja. Hello?! I'm talking to you!"

Nichtlustig, if I haven't mentioned it before, is pretty consistently funny, (witness Lemming Firemen from the other day) in what I think of as a Gary Larson sort of way. Wacky, but pretty smart. If you've got a bit of German, and a similar sense of humor, it might be worth checking out. If, for example, the idea of wearing a shirt that says "Suicide. How cute." appeals, it might be for you.

With that, bed time approacheth. G'night, kids.

ETA: For those of you unfortunate enough not to read German, apparently there's an English translation, though I'm not sure how far behind the original the run on that is.
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