Now that the semester's over and most of my grades are in, I actually have time to play catch up and spam your flists. This is very jumbled and there's no real semblance of order. The next several posts, including this one and the previous one, are four months worth of play and pictures. A lot of these pictures were already edited and had been sitting in my Photobucket for a while, but I didn't have the time (nor the energy) to bother posting them.
Previously on the Burbs, Lucy transitioned into a teen Romance sim, Jen and John had a second daughter, named Bethany, who at the time had a skin tone discrepancy, and Lucy was sent off to college (off screen).
Bethany transitioned into a curious, rather eccentric child.
Jen and John had another baby. This little guy here is James.
James is a very happy, quiet baby.
Typical dinner for the family.
James transitioned. Such a precious little guy!
Little James loves watching the antics of his parents.
And because I cannot resist families having a pet, the Burbs got a cat. His name is Tangerine.
Being a rather musically-inclined family, Jen cannot let James pass his toddler years without learning a nursery rhyme.
Bethany became a teen!
James' room.
Bethany's room.
Slap-dancing fun with Jen and John. This family is obsessed with it. Lucy taught her entire college dormitory, and I am sure that Bethany shall too when she's there.
For James birthday, the family went to the park. And yes, Tangerine can has cheezburgers.
Father and son spending quality time together.
With her family occupied, Jen plays chess.
Arriving home, Jen gets to work on her latest blue print for work.
John became an older and James shares his coveted A+.
Coral Oldie and their cat Abbey. I have made the Oldies cat breeders for the neighborhood (kitten adoption pool) until they croak.
Nasty sammiches are just as good as cheezburgers to George.
The Brokes have also adopted a feline companion. This here is Nala.
Beau Broke, folks. He's my favorite Broke.
Brandi, Beau, and Gary enjoy dinner at the park.
Beau attempted to fix the TV for his younger brother... That didn't go so well for him.
Nala: Target spotted.
He managed to fix the TV without dying at least. Of course, his brother found something else to do.
Gary. Unfortunately, I can't remember what aspiration he rolled.
One of Gary's turn-ons is rubenesque women, so I had him invite Amelia and Sherman, townies walking by, inside.
The Traveller's dog, Samson.
This is their son, Teddy. It seems
Tina got lucky genetically speaking.
Though, he still manages to snag himself a girlfriend, Debbie.
Until next time...