Game Time: Wednesday Evening (Private Journal Entry)

Jan 26, 2005 23:57

Hermione sat down at her desk still deep in thought. A normal thing for her of course, but so many things had been going on she had little time to write down her thoughts and ponderings except for maybe one brief entry the other evening. Time to share these thoughts even if it was only with her journal. Good for the soul and all that... Things have been very busy these last few days and I have hardly had a moment to myself to think never mind write in my journal. I was able to find a few books in the school library to help with my research in biological warfare, though I felt they alone wouldn’t be enough. My opinion is you can never obtain too much information. I asked Remus if he would be able to help me and thankfully he found two most interesting English books in the Restricted Section. He sent them over to me on Sunday and I have hardly been able to drag myself away from there pages. My notes on the whole subject seem to be taking over my desk-still nobody can ever say that I am unprepared. Harry, Ron, Ginny and I had a meeting on Monday evening which was very productive and we managed to get a great deal covered and resolved. Not really sure if agreeing to catch and do tests on a Death Eater can be classes as productive, but Harry seems to think it is. Can you believe he has even asked Voldermort to send him one? That is another thing, he is talking to Voldermort again via there mental connection. He kept that from us too, it has been active again since Christmas. I am sure he only told us because during his Occlumency lesson Professor Snape found out. That being the case it does appear Harry needs the lessons as his teacher must have got inside his mind to find that information in the first place. It would have been nice if his friends had been the first to know Anyway we all have our assigned tasks before we write everything up and proceed to present the ideas to the Order. Ginny volunteered to write to Fred and George for there help and I said I would do the same with Viktor. Of course Ron did have to make silly remarks about Viktor but I know DEEP down he likes him really. He was just not very pleased when Viktor and I became close. Maybe he was just worried that the trio would be broken up by it? That would never have happened as I always put those two and our friendship ahead of everything else. We are closer in many ways than any blood relations are and I hope that it will remain that way until my dying day Ron though has the hardest task of them all. He has offered to talk to Professor Snape about Harry’s new war idea. We need the best Potion Master we can get as well as a first class wizard and someone who understands how the Death Eaters minds work. I think this is a positive thing, I do hope as anyway as I was the one who kept pressing for the deputy head to be included right from the beginning. Ron really can be most brave when he puts his mind to it, though I shouldn’t be at all surprised when you think that at age 11 he was willing to die for the greater good and so Harry could stop Voldermort stealing the Philosophers Stone. I think we three along with Ginny make a wonderful team. Look out Voldermort we are coming to get you. Yesterday evening at dinner Malfoy turned up. He stood at the door not knowing what to do and not one of his so called friends got up to ask him if he required there help. In my duty as Head Girl I felt I had to go and give him the choice as to if he wanted my help or not. I am sure in truth he would rather have walked over hot coals then accept my help, but the state he is in at present he didn’t have much choice. Well he did but then he would have fallen flat on his face and he is so vain that would have killed him even more than accepting my help! I never have trusted him but since he came back I trust him even less. Why was he sent back to us and not just killed? He has no eyes, now no windows to his soul. That is if he ever had one to begin with which I highly doubted. I think now we can’t read his emotions in his eyes he is more dangerous than ever. A blank canvas is not something we can or should trust, it is the reason so many still do not trust Professor Snape and he isn’t blinded.
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