Who: You, you, you, and you
What: Dorm hijinks and etc. Whatever you want.
Where: Student and Teacher dorms, and quite possibly beyond. Whatever happens happens, bro!
When: September 9 - September 25
Warnings: I wrote 'hijinks'. That should explain everything
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They picked one table to sit at that seemed further from the rest - in a little corner all to its own. Perfect. As they moved to sit down, Riley noticed that something wasn't quite right and looked under the table. Was there... something there?
Caim shifted minutely just to get a look at who his potential assailant was. Then he relaxed considerably. It was Riley. He wrote and lifted his notepad from the floor.
"What are you doing, Riley?"
To save Caim the trouble of having to write everything down, Riley waved a hand and in an instant it was aglow with blue.
"Is this common practise where you come from?"
He shook his head and carefully moved from the floor up into a chair. "No. Generally the tables where I come from are destroyed."
Thank goodness for Riley and his ability to communicate that didn't require Caim to constantly have to write everything down. It didn't stop his mouth from moving, however, at least for the sake of teaching Riley to read lips.
Riley pulled out the chair and settled upon it. Lucario clambered onto the last one and began eating its snack with much gusto.
"If you are to spy, you could work on being less conspicuous in case of any questions." He took a sip from his cup and lowered his head ever so slightly to fix Caim with a questioning gaze. "So perhaps it's easier to remain in plain sight."
"The last time I remained in plain sight, someone else caught me. Besides, I wasn't spying. The only thing I want to do is get to know the people here."
Without having to talk to them, because he couldn't talk, and that made it hard as hell to get anything done. So clearly, making observations was the way to go. It wasn't spying! He was observing!
Riley met Caim's stare with an expression which was half sardonic, half amusement. He's seen it all before - one does not go life as an aura guardian and not learn anything about dealing with all sorts.
"I have no doubt that communication is probably the first of many problems you have. But perhaps it would be less... troublesome to be less subversive. Less questions asked."
Realistically, killing all of those people left it in a very underpopulated environment.
"I'm simply enjoying myself."
It was the closest he'd come to admitting that he was having a little fun tormenting everyone. He could have delighted more in actually spilling blood, but Samus's warning stuck with him. He'd stay mostly well-behaved for the time being.
Riley shrugged and took another sip of his coffee. Lucario by this point had finished his snack and was now roaming around the cafeteria. Something had probably caught his attention and he let the Pokemon wander.
"How is the Academy treating you thus far? There seems to be no screaming children and blood so perhaps you've been on your best behaviour."
He was teasing. He always was.
Riley might have been kidding, but Caim certainly wasn't. He took his screaming children and blood very seriously. He watched Lucario thoughtfully and then tapped the surface of the table before he looked back to his companion with the stylish hat.
"It is an interesting place."
He still wasn't sure if he should have been trying to find his way back to Caerleon. There was guilt over the idea that Angelus hadn't been able to come with him. But she was still alive, because he was still alive. That was as simple as it could be. So there spelled some slight hesitance as to whether he was truly to make himself comfortable or just simply temporarily accept where he was.
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