Sep 03, 2011 00:19
Hello, once again, Smash Academy. For those of you who haven't met me yet, I am Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov and I will be teaching Figure Drawing. You will refer to me as "Mr. Raikov." For my returning students, I hope you have been practicing while I've been away. You all know how I dislike slackers...
However, if you have kept up on your drawings, please feel free to submit any sketches to me during class. I will count them as extra credit.
Thank you.
metal gear: mei ling,
pokemon: vinne (venusaur),
okami: waka,
pokemon: lt.surge,
pokemon: giovanni,
!public post,
pokemon: alex (zapdos),
pilotwings: goose,
!media post,
pikmin: ai (purple pikmin),
mario: watt,
pokemon: theo (empoleon),
pokemon: sasha (charizard),
punch out: little mac,
metal gear: raikov,
okami: amaterasu,
metal gear: eva