Oct 31, 2011 13:36
((ノ^◇^)ノ::・'°☆。.::・:・'°☆。HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 。☆°'・::.:.。☆°'・::\(^◇^\))
I m VERY EXCITED that its HLLOWEEN!! ( ゚▽゚) i was suporesed to go trick-and-treating with Nepehnee, but i cant" find her 「(゚ペ),,,, VIanca said she will go to. but i was HOPING someone else would come to. will Caim take us???????????????? i dont know (´▽`)
BUT ACTUALLTY i;m very excited to where my csotume and get ALOT of candy!!! (^□^)
is everyone else going to teh dance?(~・▽・)~ i'm cant because I will get too tired after trick-and-treats ( ̄∇ ̄;).,, But everyone HAVE FUN ok? \\( ⌒▽⌒ )//
balloon fight: balloon fighter,
!public post,
ace attorney: ron delite,
drakengard: caim,
pikmin: ai (purple pikmin),
pikmin: vianca (white pikmin),
pokemon: alex (zapdos)