SO UHHH In this art dump...let. Art dump..ling? Small art dump, Jim does sprite nonsense, colors someone elses thing and sketches two other things.
Here is a Sprite Comic I made for Kitsu because of reasons.
He doesn't do anything by halves.
Toni drew this for me for Secretest Santas and I felt compelled to poop colors onto it. Because I am in love with it.
And then I had my sketch jones on so I sketched this. Do you enjoy How I Met Your Miother? Because I do. Here is Knuckles channelling
Barney in his attempts to
find Para a suitable girlfriend.
Because soon we're going to have another one of
These Logs. So. Look forward to that.
AND THEN because I am the biggest sap ever, I drew the babby from this m
eme thread.
I was 15 when my little brother was born. I used to laugh every time he'd try to eat his own foot. And I figure any child of Sonny Moe's would probably try and eat his own foot twice as hard as a normal babby. Go Little Red - Some day you will feast on those toes.
And that is all. See. I told you it was small.
Oh, and Chris? I know there are no biceps in this post. I've given up caring. BERATE ME IF YOU MUST - I CAN TAKE IT.