Heres an idea... copy and paste this to a new bulletin and fill in with ur own answers..what a unique way of getting to know one another
Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
1. I am opinionated
2. Lazy
3. I forget tot say thank you
4. nose picking
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. Money
2. A Design Job
3. Better PC
4. Better Education
Name Four Scents You Love:
1. The mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and clove
2. Vanilla
3. Sarah
4. Ann
Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. Extreme Liberal Slogan T-Shirts
2. Anime School Girl Sailor Costume
3. Satanic or Anti-Christian sloganed wear.
4. Extreme conservative slogan T-Shirts
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. Filling this out
2. Going to the Bathroom
3. Showering
4. What i am going to do with my day
Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. Masturbated
2. Got out of bad
3. Turned on the PC
4. Filled this out up to this point
Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. Gas
2. Diner at Ruby's (part of diner at Ruby's see next post)
3. Cajun music CD
4. Peanut Butter M&Ms
Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. How many times can I type Mt.Dew?
2. 7-Up
3. Sunkist Orange
4. Ice Tea
Last Person You Hugged?
Last Thing You Laughed At?
The Movie The Imposters
Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?
Everytime I say it I mean it. Was probably to my Mom.
What's In Your CD Player?
Cajun music (see above purchase)
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
What's Under Your Bed?
Box springs are on the floor
What time did you wake up today?
2:00 pm
Current Hair?
Ready to be died agian and should be trimmed.
Current Clothes?
Current Annoyance?
Not sure
Current Desktop Picture?
Sort of a neuvox image of four people with very little detail, one is a woman and the others are men and it is really very sexual for lacking any defining features and it is done all in black yellow and white. I stole it from soemone on another board.
Current Worry?
Job but not overly worried
Current Hate?
I don't hate anyone but I do hate many actions including some of my own. I really try not to dwell on any of it and I tend to feel bettter that way. No one wins whith hate, there are only losers.
Last CD You Bought?
Once again we move into the realms of Cajun music, see above.
Least Favorite Place?
Dentists office
If You Could Play An Instrument?
I would like to play an instrument better then I currenlty can. I know some of the Piano, banjo would be kind of cool, as would some of the smaller stringed instruments like a lute. Trumpet would also be nice, but getting my voice back in shape would be my biggest goal
Do You Believe In An Afterlife?
How Tall Are You?
6 foot
Favorite Season?
Fall and Winter
Favorite holiday?
Favorite Day.?
Anyday that I don't get stuck at home all day.
Where Would You Like To Go?
Heaven... Oh on Earth? Isreal, Iraq (more over the ruins of the city of Ur) Easter Island, Stone Henge, That city in the Andies that they discovered in the early 1900s, Edmonton, Germany, Rome, Greece, and the Yucatan.