I have had this idea in my head for ages, I just don't know what to do with it. I like the dichotomy of the homonyms. Oops - homophones. It seemed like a good album title where the first track is "Hole" and the last is "Whole," with everything in between some kind of journey of healing. Or vice versa for a more pessimistic endeavor. Of course I am no musician so if this is to see more than a blog post it will nee dto be a story.
So how do I wrap a story around so little an inspiration? I have one idea but it isn't new. It's a story-embryo I call The Treehouse and I don't want to abuse that. It's the closest thing I have to something truly started.
Relationships seem the easiest to fit. You are whole with your sig-other and there is a whole left when they leave. Too easy. Too obvious. I don't need a Sixth Sense twist or anything, but I'd rather not give is all away in the title. I used to love caving, so perhaps this is a physical hole in the ground...but how does it bring wholeness? Ooh - someone trapped in the cave and rescued! That has a bit of potential. Somewhat limited plot, though. I can build the characters and send them in the hole, then throw some trouble at them...no CHUDs please. Then I'm rewriting the movie Descent.
Perhaps I need to slap down a bunch of potential titles or interesting phrases to see if anything inspires me. I may do that next!