Brain Vomit

Apr 11, 2012 22:39

But first, I must find some brain music...can't be anyhting with words or thats all I'll be able to think about...ELP, Fanfare For the Common Man will do. OK, we're rollin.

The Last Architect (no damned idea what that means.)
Catching Spiders (old idea...a serial killer preys on serial killers...why have I discounted this idea...Oh yeah, Dexter. Fuck.)
The Bottle's Bottom (alcohol related)
In the shadow of a giant. (boy with father issues.)
A Boy Among Men (father with son issues)
(no good title on this one) - frustrated writer can't create so he goes on a random crime spree and records it. sounds like it has been done but I can't place it.
A Common Man (shit, even a song w/o words is poisoning me.) - Average Joe stages accidents or hero opportunitiesd for himself.
Archimedes Understudy. - (I just love the sound of Archimedes. Could be Archimedes' Underwear and it would still sound cool.)

As an aside, I have switched to Enay (has words, but in Gaelic so it don't count), and a lot of these sound like band names.)

Sneaking Up On It/Sneaking up on pefection. - in woodworking you cut a piece just a little too big and then take the tiniest increments off to 'sneak up' on the precise cut you want. Reference to any pursuit of perfection.
(no good title) - home invader gets the tables turned on him.
The Impossible Patent - (damned if I know.)
Missing Pages - (no idea)
Controled Landing - a man going insane, but with vestiges of control, plans his swan song descent into death/loss of self.

As another aside - damn, mid life crisis much?

Home To Roost - a bad man (cop? judge? lawyer?) is plagued by people taking revenge for old wrongs.

OK, getting tired. Enya makes me sleepy. I'll call this a decent start. More to follow.

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