SPN Review: 4x03

Oct 05, 2008 21:18

This review has been about three days in the making, and I finally finished it tonight (I've been typing bits and pieces in between tutorial prep). Also, I know people on my flist do this on a regular basis, but I watched the ep at 6am on Friday morning...man, what an awesome idea.

*YAY ARMS* *YAY ARMS* *YAY ARMS* *YAY ARMS* *YAY ARMS* *YAY ARMS* I fear this may descend from semi-semi meta thoughts into yay arms and drawing hearts, so you've been warned.

- If you aren't too distracted by the adorableness of Dean sleeping again, I'm going to share my own personal canon with you. See, by the way Dean's lying and all the stuff flung about his bed (even his bag's lying open), methinks Dean fell asleep without meaning to. Considering it's his leather jacket covering him (why would Dean cover himself with his jacket when he could just crawl under the covers), methinks Sam noticed Dean asleep and, not wanting to wake him, covered him up with his jacket. And no, I'm not just saying this to be schmoopy, I really do think it could have happened this way *nods*

- Ruby's car reminds me of Bumbleebee *INTONES TRANSFORMER TUNE WITH ROBOT ARMS* one does wonder that if Ruby's come back, how much time has passed since 4x02?

- Hell flashbacks *yay arms* so glad they're continuing that on, even if it's just a dream for now. I had a moment of horror where I thought Dean was going to wake up upset and Sam wasn't going to be there and then the single manly tear was going to go unnoticed and *whimpers*

- HELLO CASTIEL! Now I know I've read this entrance in a slash fic. In fact I could probably link you to it if I looked hard enough.

- I will offer my fourthborn (?) to anyone who makes an icon of Castiel's fingers touching Dean's forehead with the words "You're doing it wrong".

- The music from the passing car sounded a bit like Back in Black.

- Haha, John totally cares about Sonny and Cher *draws hearts* he also seems like quite a nice guy pre-hunting.

- My first intonation of, "Oh Dean," (and there were many) came when Dean realised he was sitting next to John *pets him*

- Surprise!Castiel. He's awfully pretty and closer to that of Kripke's Castiel, though I'm still missing the innocence. Yet, I'm with Dean in his annoyance and would rather like Castiel to cease going on about stopping something when he later reveals the stopping wasn't in relation to the past, but the future.

- Dean leaning on the Impala *MORE YAY ARMS* there is not enough squee in the world for Dean being the one to choose the Impala. One does wonder if John remembers meeting Dean once his son's grown up enough to resemble his older self and that's the reason why he gives Dean the Impala, because it was always his. Following that train of thought, I wonder how much John deducted of Dean's trip to the past. On the one hand, not much because he never mentioned anything to Dean and surely the John we know would try to save Mary any way he knew how. On the other, perhaps John was sane enough to know not to mess with the past or didn't know enough of what we learned to want to do so.

- I was grinning throughout this scene because of Dean's happy smile. I do love when he's like this, it doesn't happen anywhere near enough *snuggles Dean tight*

- Dean's talking to Sammy *hearts* oh Dean, did I mention I love you? Many have already said it, but I'll reiterate: I love how Sam's presence is interwoven into the plot despite him being in the episode all of three minutes. Last time he was so absent, it was jarring and yet here they've managed to carry it off very nicely *applauds Carver*

- Mary is seriously awesome and totally would have kicked Dean's ass. I'd seen the theory batted around that Mary was a hunter, but man my jaw still dropped when they revealed it. YAY SHOW!

- Jensen's delivery of, "we're practically family," is rather awesome.

- Dean's grin when he knows he's answered correctly *hearts* Mitch is superb, but I'll leave waxing poetical about him till YED shows up.


- Dean makes the best faces during the John discussion at the table. Oh, if only they knew. It's amusing in a heartbreaking way.

- Hee, wonder where Dean got his flirty nature from *g*

- Priest!Dean *more YAY ARMS* nice callback to Nightmare. I know most are calling it simple fan service, but considering that episode was the first to start providing some real answers about Sam's powers, I think it was a deliberate hint of what was to come. Clever Show, clever.

- Oh you could just see those yellow eyes coming, couldn't ya?

- 2nd Oh Dean: panic sets in *snugs* John could see the future, hee.

- The scene between Mary and Dean is possibly one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the entire series so far. Dean's reaction to Mary saying the worst thing she could imagine would be her children raised into hunting *breaks* I love the parallels drawn between Sam and Mary, both of them willing to run away for a normal life and both having that ripped away from them by the same demon. It's curious to see in contrast to Dean's desperation to cling to the family members he has left. I still want Sam to tell Dean outright that he wouldn't ever leave him now, not out of guilt (which attempting to save Dean from the deal is tainted with) or in the pursuit of revenge, but simply because he loves his brother. Hell, even a pre-Stanford flashback where Sam asks Dean to come with him would fufill my wish.

- Don't get me started on Dean telling Mary not to get out of bed. Dean hasn't cried in like an age, a break from which I think we needed or I don't think this would have affected me quite as much. Oh Dean. I wonder if Mary ever worked out who Dean was or if she even remembered making that promise, if somewhat belatedly (ie. already pinned to the wall).

- I love Castiel's silences and dramatic disappearances, gives him an otherworldly feel. I also like the WIAWSNB nod too. Dean's willing to sacrifice his chance of happiness to save people, but not that of his parents' (I know that would entail Sam and Dean leading normal lives too, but I don't think that's his focus). It's something we kinda already knew, but it's nice to have it actually stated outriht (see above Sam wish).

- I'm thinking the scene between Elkins and Dean is supposed to be rather tense and important, but Dean's making this ridiculous pouty face the entire time and I just can't take any of it seriously. Though when he looks back over his shoulder at Elkins *flails*


- You went after a demon with a shotgun? I may have to rethink your awesomeness, Samuel.

- The facial expression of YED when he asks Dean about the gun reminds me so much of Fred Lehne's YED that I think Fred had facial reconstruction surgery just to get back on the show.

- I really want to know when Samuel was possessed. The callbacks in this episode are making me incadescent with glee (I might even make a proper list)! Here, a potentially possessed Samuel pays Dean a compliment (at the Walsh's) and then asks for the Colt, precisely how it plays out in Devil's trap with possessed John. Save this time, Dean doesn't work it out until Samuel's eyes flash yellow (I was suspicious when he asked to see the Colt, but I still squealed when YED revealed himself).

- Mitch is, quite simply, fantastic. Someone's been doing their homework; he has the mannerisms and the vocal patterns of not only Fred's YED, but you can see elements of Jeff's too. God I've missed YED, he was just so snarky and made of win.

- Dean's eyes are awfully green.

- That red tape's still driving you mad in forty years, YED, right before Dean kills ya. Sucks to be you. Except not, cos you're awesome.

- YED has an endgame *yay arms* I'm taking it Lilith took up this plan when old yellow eyes died. I'm still not convinced he's gone, especially not now. I've had a theory for quite a while that yellow eyes will be reborn within Sam because of the demonic blood (glad Dean knows about that now) and I say that without any spoilers (and I don't want any, thank you). Still, is it crazy to feel even more excited about the apocalypse now I know it's potentially of YED's design?

- I've always wondered why YED seemed particularly keen to kill Dean in Devil's Trap. I get Sam was special and part of his big plan, but YED appeared to take particular delight in tearing Dean down emotionally and physically. Now we have a reason why, rather than simply thinking YED's a cruel bastard. Couldn't have believed in it much though if he was willing to bring Dean back for the Colt and John's soul, when he could have just stolen the Colt back and let Dean die (which is another thing, I want to find out why YED wanted John's soul, cos there's gotta be a reason - not right now though, we've been given a ton of info and don't want to push my luck).

- Oh wow, talk about family curse. So the deaths didn't start with Mary, but Mary's parents. Interesting, and kinda sad cos those two were wicked.

- HE KILLED JOHN *fish impression* wonder if John found that out and that's how he knew in IMTOD how to save Dean, and also why it was YED he summoned instead of going to a crossroads demon.

- God Show, you're so clever. Mary started it all, she gave the YED access to Sam that started this whole (wonderful) mess and she apologized to him for it way back in episode nine of season one! YED even tells her not to interrupt him and the most awful thing is, Mary still had the hunting know-how that could perhaps have helped save Sam anyway without all the death and the upbringing in hunting. Saying that, I'm a firm believer in the theory that it's Sam's strong connection with Dean that's kept him sane, not evil, all these years so perhaps without that (ala the normal upbringing result in WIAWSNB), there would be no possibility to save Sam anyway.

- So apparently this incest thing runs in the family *squicks*

- Oh Dean, that look as he glances back to Castiel is heartbreaking (nice flutter of wings to announce his entrance). That compassion in Castiel's gaze as he takes Dean's shoulder, that's what I've been wanting to see since episode one and not actually because I'm digging all this Dean/Castiel fic. While I love that Castiel's a warrior and not a cutesy angel, I would like to see him grow to care about Dean, for them to have somewhat of a friendship and for Dean to accept the comfort Castiel offers (minds out of the gutter) while Sam is still distant. So yeah, nice little moment *holds it close*

- Also liked Castiel telling Dean not to be too hard on himself even though he's the reason Dean's being hard on himself in the first place because he can't finish a frickin sentence till the end of the ep. I'm pleased Castiel's being straightforward with Dean except when it comes to stopping things, letting him in on all the info the angels know is a big thumbs up and is most likely a small anvil to highlight the difference between himself and Ruby.

- Oh you just destroyed your chance at friendship there, Castiel. You just threatened Sammy (I love it). I also love that Castiel doesn't want Dean to kill Sam as I had feared, but save him (are we sure John didn't have a good long chat with Castiel before he was dispatched).

TO BE CONTINUED?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! This early in the season Kripke?! Oh you cruel, cruel SOB. Caught me by surprise, so's it did, as I wasn't watching the time. Man, that was frickin awesome. YAY for finally getting answers! Can't wait for next week's! No spoilers please.


- "Oh come on, what are you allergic to straight answers you son of a bitch?!"
- "Sammy, wherever you are, Mom is a babe. I'm going to hell...again."
- "Did you find anything on the web...ooof information you have assembled."
- "You seem like a really nice kid, Dean, but yeah, you're crazy."
- "She wants to hunt, she doesn't want to hunt. Is this some female time-of-month thing?
- "Your brother is headed down a dangerous road, Dean, and we're not sure where it leads. So stop it...or we will."

supernatural, spn review

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