How the hell are we at episode 6 already?
First off, I'll admit I was a bit disappointed in this ep as I was expecting a serious one after the hilarity of last week. Yes, there were some pretty somber moments in there, but not to the extent I was hoping for. I name this the Ghostfacers syndrome. HOWEVER I did still enjoy it, so no worries.
- I rather liked that sequence with the Cas clips in the previously. Very well put together, if you ask me...which may or may not be influenced by the glee of seeing Cas when he hasn't been in 3 eps (come on, Kripke man, more Cas!).
- I am so glad this episode turned out to be another daft one, because honestly? Who could take Dean's running facial expressions seriously? Naww, cute doggy, bwahaha.
- What are they doing to Sam's hair?! *holds head in hands* still, pretty boys.
- Haha, Dean has to hold the heart. I love how, despite everything the boys have seen, they're still utterly disgusted by the autopsy.
- Do you think they go out of their way to find tall people for our show? Almost like it's a job requirement (more on that later). On a similar note, why do the boys look so orange in the scene with the Sheriff? Orange, with very pale lips.
- The first time I watched the ep, I thought Dean walked towards the teenagers, in the sense that he was concerned for the Impala *facepalm* show, perhaps it's a good thing for me that you're not subtle.
- I wanted the snake dude to burst into, "some evil witches!" Wrong show *sadface*
- As much as I enjoyed all the random animal shots, what was with the random spider shot show?! Not cool dude, SERIOUSLY not cool. Especially when it was such a freaking creepy spider. Even the Bugs spider wasn't as horrible as this one, and that was onscreen for much longer.
- There's something amusing about the way Jensen said the finding-the-wife line. It makes me laugh for some inexplicable reason. The sentence doesn't have particularly funny content, either.
- Sam's WTF faces are wicked.
- HEE! I think Dean should air-drum (?) every episode. Again, Sam's WTF face, especially when Dean puts the donuts in the Impala, are wicked. I also love that Sam doesn't mock Dean or laugh at him pretending to know what ghost sickness is. He just barrels on like he knows, and I'm sure he does, that Dean wouldn't know what it was. It's about here that the episode moves from okay to great for me; I felt it was a bit slow to start.
- An aside note for you all, Dean's extremely pretty in this scene.
- Gamecocks and cornjerkers, BWAHAHA!
- I'm not impressed by Sam's dick theory (and boy, they love that word, don't they). Though to be perfectly honest, I feel like show was trying to tell me Dean was chosen for another reason and I just can't quite figure it out. Would anyone like to enlighten me?
- *spreads arms for Dean* come here, petal. If I had to choose one reason why I like this episode, it would be because of how frickin adorable Dean is. Oh, and how Sam looks after Dean. Save episode 4, show seems to be reinforcing the idea that this will be a general theme this season, which I highly approve of.
- Nice angsty turn, show. The ticking clock was perfect, I had such a flashback to NRFTW when Dean glances at the clock at midnight. My only criticism was that this had such potential to delve into very angsty waters and it didn't, though I would guess they're leaving the hell revelations (OMG) for later on.
- Nawww boys. I love how Sam's concern shines through, not only when he nudges Dean to stop him scratching, but also how he runs after him to the bathroom.
- *snuggles Dean* all episode, strongest impulse.
- Lots and lots of impala!porn in this ep *YAY ARMS*
- Dean is very, very, VERY pretty this ep, and his eyes are awfully green (most notable when he's looking across the impala at Sam).
- OH DEAN! *snuggles so very tight* can I keep you? Please? Look at his face as he grips at that flashlight! I'm thinking this is one of the instances Jared was talking about when Jensen looks about 5.
- OMG HE'S SO FRICKIN CUTE! Even when he screams like a total girl. Best facial expressions EVER.
- Sam's all business now, even when interviewing victims. I meant to say before, but I forgot *g* he's lost quite a bit of that empathy that he used to display when trying to wheedle information out of people. Another change *applauds show* I know I've been whining that I wanted more change, but I'm actually starting to enjoy noting the subtle differences between s3 and s4 Sam.
- Drunk!Dean should visit us more often. Also, can someone help me out and tell me who the young deputy reminds me of? My brain won't work for me! *hearts Sam yanking Dean away*
- Tinfoil rubbing, ewwwww.
- The hospital corridor scene may be my favourite. Sam's hand on Dean's back, Dean's little shake of his head, Sam telling Dean not to scratch, Dean tugging Sam's suit to make him move away from the passing man *loves boys* I adore this switch around of brotherly protectiveness.
- Awwww little kitty!
- I can't decide whether Mr Luther's story is shining light on Sam's current thoughts toward Dean or about himself. On the one hand, Sam may be feeling, like Luther, that a lot of people let Dean down, including himself because he couldn't save him from hell before or after his death. Sam also seeks revenge, as I imagine was the purpose in episode 4 of Sam trying to get that demon to confess where Lilith was, and Luther saying life's too short for hate is perhaps reflective of Sam's choice to give up his powers last week. On the other hand, all the mentions of being the town freak obviously relate to Sam's similar thoughts about himself. The mention of Frank not clearly thinking straight after his wife's death though may be a nod (and perhaps, further reaffirmation of Sam's own justifications) toward Sam using his powers after Dean's death - because he was seriously messed up after losing Dean. This guest star was brilliant, by the way.
- I lied before, Dean's rant on hunting is my favourite scene. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry during it. They're insane, Dean's annoying, the waitress with the rash, Sam's gassy!
- Dean looks like such a little boy sitting on the couch *snugs*
- WOW! This scene's not my favourite, but it's close. Sam's yellow eyes and echo-y voice! If Sam becomes reborn yed I will scream CALLED IT from the rooftops. I love that Dean's considered this, fears it even. Sam's pretty hot evil, no? Jared plays it so well, though I adore Jensen's expression when Sam lays his hand on Dean's shoulder (pretty close to Castiel's mark, is it not). Though I do wonder what Sam really said in response to Dean worrying that he's going to die.
- Okay, here's a dislike. Sam's so calm when talking to Bobby, and yet Dean's only got two hours left before he will supposedly die. In NRFTW, I was fine with a zen Sam, because Dean was present and I believe he was acting that way as a reassurance to Dean, to keep him calm. Dean's not present here and still, we lack frantic Sam. It's not that I don't think Sam cares as much about Dean as vice versa (well, maybe sometimes, but definitely not in the face of what we've seen this ep), but it just puzzles me how chilled he can be when we know were the situations reversed, Dean would be frantic.
- This week, Bobby speaks Japanese. Next week, his cap will sprout wings and Bobby will airbomb demons with holy water balloons.
- I love how soft Dean's hey is when he picks up the phone.
- It's funny watching the scene with the Sheriff knowing that were Dean normal, he'd totally be kicking the dude's ass.
- Sam's pretty wandering about the warehouse.
- I've read that some think Dean resorts to faith near the end when he grabs the bible. I don't disagree with this assumption, but I'd like to think that it's a madness brought on by the ghost sickness. Though I'm pleased we've seen Dean's faith develop over the last few eps, I'd rather not have him jumping fully on board quite so quickly. Fair enough having faith in Cas, but not wholly in God, not yet.
- OMG! NO! NOT THE CREEPY GIRL *whimpers* devil child, DEVIL CHILD!
- Wow, I can't believe Dean remembers every second of hell. I figured it was just coming back to him in flashes, not that he had it all swimming around in there. Oh Dean. Kripke, you are a wonderfully horrible genius. I can't wait till this is dealt with, but I'm good for waiting it out.
- I want Dean to ask Cas about that. Is his deal broken by Cas ripping him from hell or is he still destined to return when he eventually dies?
- Now I'm unsure. Are we meant to know why Dean got infected or will this be addressed later? ETA: Having just read Kripke's statement (with the spoilers retracted) I'm pleased that we're not supposed to know. Now I'm trying to figure it out what that could be, hmm.
- The entire sequence with Lilith's babooms and Sam fighting the ghost (OMG SOMEONE'S TALLER THAN SAM *GASPS*) was so suspenseful. Yes, some part of me knew they wouldn't kill Dean off (again/so soon), but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.
- Awesome fade away.
- SINGLE LAYERS, people, SINGLE LAYERS! Wow, the boys are beautiful.
- Naww, he is indeed adorable.
- Wherever they filmed is very scenic. I'd quite like to climb those hills.
- OMG SAM'S EYES! Now did Dean just hallucinate that or did it actually happen? There's more truth to Dean's words than Sam's knows. It's true, by now Sam potentially turning evil is usual and it's comforting that Dean reckons it's nothing he can't handle. By that token, I don't think it's a lie or cover-up of Dean's fear. Saying that, Sam still doesn't know about Dean remembering, so we'll see, won't we?
- I want an icon of that final shot. Pretty, pretty boy.
Overall, twas a slow start, but the second half more than made up for it. Great episode, with Sam playing the big brother, Dean being frickin adorable and revelations about hell. I can't wait to see Sam discovering this, preferably with Dean getting flashes of hell during the day and being completely incapacitated by them, to the extent Sam notices during a hunt and then it all comes spilling out, and Sam meets Cas and begs him to stop them, but Cas can't *takes a breath* I may have thought about this a lot *coughs* I also can't wait till Dean comes properly face-to-face with a demon who'll taunt him about hell. I do believe that'll be the day Sam retakes up his powers.
- "Yeah, big heart."
- "I don't wanna be a clue."
- "We search out things that want to kill us. Or eat us. You know who does that, crazy people! We are insane!"
- "You eat half a burrito and you get toxic."
- "I'm out, I'm done, quit."
So the episodes currently rank: 1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2. Again, this is subject to a potential switch of 1 & 3 and now 5 & 6. 5's only currently ranking above 6 because I enjoyed 5 more on the first watch than I did 6, but that's due to my own preconceptions of what this ep would be like. On the rewatch, I'm thinking 6 may win out...
ETA 2: Changed my mind. Current rank: 1, 3, 6, 5, 4, 2.
Oh and on that little surprise we got...Jensen Ackles, I heart you to an unholy degree, even more so when you're a complete and utter dork. Though I am skeptical about it being completely spontaneous what with all the camera angles, I really do hope it was in response to Jared's prank (not banging the hood to get him to stop). I love that you can hear Jared laughing in the background, though I can't make out whether he says I love it or I love him at one point. I need multiple icons of this, yes I do.
No spoilers please, by the way :D
On a complete aside note, every time I make a cut for these reviews, due to force of habit, I type "your daily spoilerfree news" before I remember I don't have to.