
Jul 22, 2006 15:36

For the first time in my life, I know what I need.

For the first time in possibly ever what I want and what I need are the same thing.

Too bad it's not very likely I'll get it any time soon.

But at least I can try.

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Comments 4

limegreendream July 23 2006, 17:57:18 UTC
Good to see you finally realized how much you wanted and needed Harry. I'm sorry he is so far away...


limegreendream July 23 2006, 17:58:02 UTC
oops I meant want and need - no past tense!


smegdogg July 23 2006, 23:41:32 UTC
I'd sooner masturbate with a cheese grater than spend 10 seconds in the same room as Mr. Carr.


limegreendream July 25 2006, 18:19:18 UTC
hahahahaha! ouch.


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