Dalek Awesomesauce Reboot: 1.3

Apr 24, 2011 00:57

Warning: Mild language, hurling about of small children, glitchy-ness, Unnecessary Capitalization, lecturing, face1 sighting, Zombies!, haunting, traumatization of infants, and 70ish images
Featuring Sims by: brilliantcat,simpurity , & simpurity 
Recap: Öndótt lost and re-gained her job in the medical field, only to have to post-pone it temporarily in order to give birth to twins Thistle and Aubergine.  Amethyst aged into a toddler and promptly commenced bettering herself by way of skilling.  Thistle and Aubergine also aged into toddlers.  We had the first death in the family with the passing of Azure.  Shortly thereafter Öndótt managed to get herself pregnant again.  Cerulean tried to burn down the house, and thankfully failed.  Öndótt gave birth to another set of twins, Wisteria and Plum.  Amethyst aged into a child and the house expanded to accommodate the ever growing family.  Zombie!Butler was hired for giggles to ensure that this hoard of miscreants never wanted for a canapé.  Thistle and Aubergine aged into children and the latter started harassing the neighbor children.  Azure had his first haunting, which scared the crap out of everyone (alright, maybe just me).  And lastly, we finally got our first glimpse of Wisteria and Plum when they aged into toddlers.

First thing's first, we have a walkby: Noah by prosthetics

Thistle looking adorable in her Octopus rain coat and showing off her eight nice points by saying good-bye to the bus driver.

Öndótt bonds with her son Aubergine by flinging him around like a rag doll. He looks scared for his life.

and no wonder...

Noah decided it was perfectly acceptable to come into the house and carry Plum around for a while.

Our old Zombie!Butler was replaced by the ginger model. Not that I am complaining, gingers are fabulous.
Zombie!Butler: "Brains!"

The Nanny still insists on hauling her glitchy-ass to work even though I could have sworn I had the Butler dismiss her.

Öndótt decides to lay down the law with the new butler.

She stresses the importance of firing the nanny when he is told to do so.

Zombie!Butler: *is meek*

And she also informs him that eating her family's brains is strictly prohibited.

Cerulean makes it to the top of his career track!
Look at that bonus! O.O

What's this?

Oh hey there Face1 cop. What are you doing here?

Ahh, you have come bearing kittens I see.  Very well then.

This is Hyacinthe.
Zombie!Butler: *creeps in the background*

Cerulean welcomes him to the family.

He makes a quick work of aging into an adult. Question: Why were his eyes green when he was a kitten but are blue now? Do all kittens in this game have green eyes? I've never noticed before.

We haven't seen Amethyst yet this update, so here is a look at her for you.

And one of Aubergine, why not? Possibly because this lighting makes him look scary as hell.

Öndótt extols the virtues of bathroom etiquette to her young son.
Öndótt: "A gentleman puts the seat back down after using the toilet."
A valuable lesson, though I am not sure why this had to be done in the backyard during a blizzard.

The youngest twins birthday arrives.

This is Plum as a child.
Also, that is Thistle in the background. I don't think I ever showed you her after her childhood makeover.

Wisteria as a child.
She looks a little odd to me...I can't place why though.

A Brief Musical Interlude:
Amethyst: ♫I'm Singing in the Rain! Just Singing in the Rain! What a glorious feeling. I'm happy again! ♫

Plum (also known as the palest of the pale): *is bored*
Also, check out that generation purple make-over.

Now that we are well into our first generation it is time to work on another aspect of the Awesomesauce Legacy:

Must have all 10 Hobby Plates by the end of the legacy.

One Hobby down, nine to go.

Thistle: "Baseball is serious business!"
Any guesses what generations two's hobby is going to be? I thought not.

Another walkby, this one is Bekah by simpurity

What'cha looking at Öndótt?

Ahh, I see. How cute.

Azure mainly spends his nights circling the graveyard.  His transparent face still scared the crap out of me. *shudders*

The children are all school-age now, let phase two of gen purple commence!  Bring on the head master!

The kids all got into private school so Öndótt and Cerulean celebrate with some booty shaking.

WHAT!? Curse you Risky Woohoo!  CURSE YOU!!!

Amethyst ages into a teen (and a very ugly skirt).

There we go! Much Better.

She immediately commences the family tradition of dancing like a fool.

Amethyst: "Who are you calling a fool!? I have mad dancing skills!" *is indignant*
I apologize for the momentary lapse in my "Sims are not allowed to address me directly" rule, I will try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Öndótt giving some much needed love to Hyacinthe.

Happy cough? What? What is that?

This incredibly awkward moment brought to you by Old Zombie!Butler slacking off on the job.  You are not allowed to eat while you are working in this house Dammit!

So the entire household has contracted the plague.  Oh joy of joys.

Then Öndótt started getting heat stroke all over the place.

That can't be good for the baby.

Babies are like: "Screw this, I'm getting out of here."

Sorry about the change in location, the game crashed and the birth was moved indoors.
Also, where did that babies head go!?
Two boys this time. I had run out of decent purple names at this point (seeing as I refused to repeat any from the original Dalek Awesomesauce), so I had to resort to Damson (which isn't that bad) and Crocus (which is), poor baby Crocus.
Damson is
(half way between sloppy and neat, half way between shy and outgoing, lazy, a little playful, and nice)
Crocus is
(neat, extremely outgoing, active, serious, and very nice)
Neither of them have 10 active points! That is unprecedented in this family's offspring.
Needless to say, these two will not be eligible for heir, seeing as they are so far behind the rest.

Thistle: *horrifies everyone with that face*
It is time for the original twins to age up.

This is Thistle as a teen, pre-makeover.

And this is Aubergine as a teen, Pre-makeover.
He is much improved from his childhood self, if I do say so.

Thistle Post-makeover.

Aubergine Post-makeover.
Does anyone else thinks he kind of looks like Stuart (the comic book store owner) from The Big Bang Theory in this picture?

I will just use this picture to tell you all that at this point my downloads folder went through a major purge (in which I deleted everything that wasn't categorized). I also changed my default skins. The main result of which is that everyone now has new skin (obviously), and Aubergine's entire outfit was lost (including his hair).  Which will explain why he looks different in this next picture.

It is time for Damson and Crocus's Birthday. Damson goes first.

He's looking fierce in his pink tuxedo.

Unfortunately Aubergine decided to age up baby Crocus whilst Öndótt was taking a bath.

Cerulean: "Would you get out! I have to use the bathroom!"

Crocus: *is traumatized*
Poor Crocus.

Crocus: "Why did you leave me in there!?"

Aubergine: "Aw, I'm sorry little guy."

All is forgiven.

legacy, dalek awesomesauce legacy

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