Dalek Awesomesauce Reboot: 1.4

Jul 18, 2011 05:10

Warning: body hair, glitching, semi-nudity (naked toddler butts and shirtless men), rampant athleticism, stink, overly bright kitchens, boils acne, SPAM, heir decision, and 50ish images
Featuring Sims by: brilliantcat 

Recap: Cerulean became a Hall of Famer, but that doesn't really matter considering his LTW is to have 6 grandchildren.  Face1 cop brought us an adorable little kitten named Hyacinthe which sadly had to be deleted because he kept sinking through the floor (but that wasn't until after this update).  Plum and Wisteria age into (adorable) children.  Cerulean reaches the top of the Fitness hobby (as required by the Awesomesauce rules).  Azure's ghost is still rather horrifying.  All of the children made it into Private School and ACR + Risky Woohoo graced us with the gift of two unplanned babies, Damson and Crocus.  Amethyst, Thistle, and Aubergine all aged into teenagers whilst the babies aged into toddlers.

Pre-Body Hair.

Post-Body hair. You can hardly even tell, but I don't care.

What is wrong with this picture?

It's Cerulean's turn to get the fuzzies.

The kids doing their homework on the floor because they refuse to use the desks I provide for them.  It was not until later that I noticed that the chairs for said desks were on the wrong side. :( Whoops.

Without fail, every single school day Plum will stop doing his homework and run out to great his mother. It's super annoying/cute.

I am not quite sure what Amethyst was trying to accomplish here, but the resultant clipping is fascinating nonetheless.

Aubergine putting Cerulean's Career reward to some good use.

Whilst all of the other children were content with being forced to participate in some form of sporting activity Amethyst simply refused, preferring instead to splash in puddles.

Plum playing some basketball and trying not to hit the awkwardly placed deck.

Aubergine's hard work pays off, though apparently at the expense of his left eye.

When she is not jumping in puddles and neglecting her sexyfeet Amethyst takes care of the chilluns.  But why isn't the butler doing this? you ask. Well that's simple, he's...

doing this.

Öndótt decides to give her daughter a break on the child rearing front and decides to teach Damson how to say "Mommy is an egotist."

This is a fun little tableau.

Aubergine whiles away the hours by bouncing about in the foyer like Alex P. Keaton of speed.

This crap happens to me all of the time. I think that my objects.package is corrupted by the recommended fix didn't work, maybe the file on the disk is corrupted as well.  Anyway, until I figure out how to fix it my lawn will just be occasionally replaced by a random texture.  Luckily it wasn't the penis texture this time, that was not fun for me.

It's time for Damson & Crocus's birthday! First up Damson.

Now Crocus!

Damson Post Make-over.

Crocus Post Makeover (yes, that is the outfit you think it is.)

After the festivities it is left to Thistle to clean up.  She does a lot of the chores around the house which is not surprising what with her 10 neat points.

It looks like all of this housework is taking it's toll, the dreaded teenage "acne" (more like boils) has appeared.  Poor dear, at least she doesn't seem bothered by it.

Aww, the youngest miss out on the fun because they haven't been inducted into private school. :(

The hobby fanaticism soldiers on as Öndótt attempts to master gaming.


Hobby Plate 2 of 10!  We're on our way!

*sigh* was is Cerulean sponge bathing? I don't know.

Öndótt achieves her lifetime wish by becoming Chief of Staff!

She celebrates with some family bonding.

It's Plum and Wisteria's birthday!

Plum gets bitch-slapped by his baby brother.  And with that pleasant memory of his childhood fresh in his mind he immediately commences aging up!

Wisteria's teen makeover.

Plum's teen makeover.

Now that all of the eligible children have reached teen it's time to reveal the Generation Purple heir!  And no, I am not really going to be sending them to college, it is just easy for me to have them all age to adult simultaneously. ANYWAY, and the heir is...

*drum roll*



Is everyone scratching their heads?  I'll explain.  I know he didn't get a lot of screen time but I thought he was the most attractive best mix of the two parents, also I liked his Lifetime Wish, which is to become a Mad Scientist.  Sorry for no heir vote but I have a tendency to play ahead.  No heir vote next time either because generation black has specific stipulations regarding which sim will be heir.  Perhaps generation orange?  Downloads will be up shortly.  Anyway, next update we will commence the reign of generation purple!

P.s. I love these pants probably more than I should.

legacy, dalek awesomesauce legacy

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