Kurt and Talia Log:
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
A loud bamf and a flash of light in a nearby window interupted Talia's thoughts. Swearing to himself in German, Kurt fumbled through the medicine cabinet in his room, looking for some bactine for the cat scratches on his arms and chest. "Scheiss!" he said, loudly enough to hear from outside the mansion. He stomped out of view, his tail lashing with aggitation.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
T.J glanced up at the window and her golden eyes went wide,her mouth dropped open half the way and she stuttered to herself.."Daa...daaa...Veti" she finally managed completely in German as she chased after him despite the fact she knew he was too young to be her father.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Unaware of the girl outside, Kurt grumbled to himself as he paced around his room, absently itching at the scratches on his wrists. With a sigh, he sat down at his desk and spun the chair around to face the window. It was a beautiful night. Maybe I ought to go take a walk, he thought to himself.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
She thought about it for a second then grinned she had an idea of what to do , her hands covered each other and she summoned on of the little light globes and tossed it up by the window sort of like a flare, letting it disappate afterwards. Hopefully that would get his attention.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Only years of circus training prevented Kurt from tipping over backwards on his chair. Expecting to see Jimaine, he threw open the windows with a sharp-toothed grin and looked down at the girl below him. If he hadn't had night-vision he wouldn't have been able to tell the differance in the dark, but as it was, he stopped and cocked his head to the side in question. "Raven?" he asked, "Ist dat hyu?
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"Raven?" she asked herself and then realized he meant Mystique, and the look of alarm that crossed her face wasn't missed. "God no, she's not around here is SHE?" she called up her golden eyes glowing slightly in the dark as well, but she was scanning the area looking for the woman that originally killed him, where she was from.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt rolled his eyes and exploded into a cloud of smoke, reappearing in a similar sulphurous cloud next to Talia. Kurt raised one eyebrow and looked down his nose at the young woman. "Vat are hyu playin' at, Raven?" he asked.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"Why are you calling me Raven!" she demanded as her eyes teared up, she had to remind herself this wasn't her father but it was like her daddy pulling a cruel joke on her. "My name is Talia!"
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt smiled, thinking it was Jimaine using a shapeshift spell. "Ja, okay. Vatever hyu say, love." He bowed and held out his hand, preparing to teleport him and the girl he thought was his love back to his room.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"Love?" she asked and looked slightly alarmed. She had met Jimaine earlier and the witch was going to skin her, she freverantly shook her head. "I'm T.J Wagner, I'm not from here." she insisted.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt screwed his face up in confusion and stood up straight. "Vat are hyu talking about, gorl?" he said, exhasperated. His tail thumped lashed back and forth behind him nervously.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"Ok..here goes, your my Veti..my daddy!" she said as she caught her breath and peered up at him, she was shorter it was so odd being near her father she just wanted to hug him, but she restrained herself because he didn't believe her.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt frowned. He wasn't sure if it was Raven or Jimaine, but this seemed like some sort of joke. "Hokay, gorl. I don't know who hyu are, but I tink hyu had better begin to explain vat is goink on." Seeing her tense, he immediatly regreted raising his voice. Sighing, he continued, "Maybe ve had better go inside und sit down or sometink. . ." he said lamely.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
She nodded silently and tilted her head to the side and looked at him a pointed ear popping through her hair as she did, "You don't believe me do you, you think I'm your mother or your lover and thats just " she motioned with her hands fixing him with one of his own looks. "frighting!"
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt shook his head, confused. "My mother? Vat are hyu talking about? Raven izn't my mother. She's not old enough. Und for dat matter, hyu look to be about my age, or maybe a couple years younger. How can I have been hyour father if hyou are only a few years younger dan I?"
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"Its all really confusing but I am sure it will work itself out." she said " Where I come from Xaiver retired and you and Wolvie led the X-Men but don't tell him I called him that,Xaiver retired and I was an x-man with you and the rest of the team, and mom." she opened the front door and waited for him, she was well mannered if anything.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Looking horribly confused, Kurt followed his daughter inside, too confused,even, to realize that a girl had held the door for him instead of the other way around. "Vere hyu came from? Vat are hyu talkink about? Time travel or somefink?" he asked as he began to lead her towards his room.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"Yes" she said now excited as she was led off. "I was displaced out of time, because to keep my world from ending I have to keep Raven from killing you." she said bouncing along , energetic now that he was at least listening to her.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt shook his head, trying to sort ideas out inside his head. "Vy would Raven try to keel me? I've only talked to her a few times, und she seems reformed enough." he said as he lead down the hallway to his room. He fiddled with the door knob for a moment the held it open for Talia.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"thank you" she swept into a bow and hurried in she too was a big fan of swashbuckler movies and she glanced about the room. "She was evil where I came from"
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Shutting the door behind them, Kurt turned around and looked Talia over critically. He didn't say anything for several minutes. He finally broke the awkward silence: "Hyu can't really be mein daughter, can you?" he asked quietly.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
She balanced herself on the balls of her feet and sighed softly."I would say no considering your as old as I am,maybe but Yes in another life you are." she agrees. looking serious as well the look odd on two people that are usually light hearted.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt gestured to a chair next to his small table and walked to sit on the end of his bed. "Maybe hyu had better start from de begining" Kurt offered.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"I told you everything I know!" she said as she perched on the back of the chair and looked at him. " I came from another world where you led the X-Men,Mystique was your mother there and she.." the whole event came back as she manged to force the words out again her voice high as she spoke."She sot you with something that killed you and set about to allowing the villians to win."
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
She fought back her tears."That led to our world ending."
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
"Unless Raven is secretly much older den she claims, hyu don't have to vorry about her being mein mother und den killing me." Kurt said as he walked to her side, awkwardly placing one hand on her back. It all felt so strange-- a mystery girl who looking just like him showing up out of nowhere and teling him all these strange things. Kurt's head hurt.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
She let out a whimper and a sniffle and turned and hugged him, holding onto him like he was a secruity blanket, it was like being able to hug her father again."then maybe I will stop jumping worlds" she murmured "it gets lonely and sad knowing worlds end and begin on a whim."
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt held her tightly by reflex, unsure of how to react to this girl who claimed to be his daughter. "Now, now, mein dear. It's okay now. Ve'll take hyu to talk to Herr Proffesor. He'll help hyu. In de mean time, I'll take careof hyu. Who knows," he said, "Maybe in a few years I vill be taking care of hyu anyvay, ja?"
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"maybe" she sniffed "but I am not changeing my own diapers even if you ground me" she managed to crack a joke at her own expense. "I don't know veti..Xaiver is sort of scary." she said blinking up at him.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
"Nah, Herr Proffesor is not scary. I'll make sure hyour okay." he assured her, "In de meantime, are hyu hungry or anytink? I don't know how long hyu have travelled, or from vhere. For dat matter, I don't know vhy hyour here. . ."
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
"A little tired" she answered "I just appeared and thank you." she said getting control of herself.
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt look down at her. "It's late, ve are both tired. Hyu can stay herr tonight. I'll go stay vit' Jimaine. I'll come back early in de morning to get hyu to talk to Herr Proffessor. Until den, make hyourself at home." Kurt said.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
He acted just like her dad, and Jimiane had played a decent mom earlier getting her to eat something. She yawned behind a hand and nodded her head,tossing him a childish look. "Tuck me in?" she asked
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt lead her to the bed and pulled the blanket's back, all the while thinking how strange this whole situation was. "here hyu go. . ." he said, then fumbled, realizing he didn't even know this girls name yet.
talia_tj_wagner@hotmail.com says:
She blinked sleepily at him and answered as though reading his thoughts, "You and mom call me TJ, Talia Josephine mom said something about naming me after the fat lady as my middle name." she said, her three finger hand clutched the blanket sleepily and her tail just sort of appeared and wrapped around the head board. "its nice to be around you again, don't go away this time."
A gentlemen and a rogue says:
Kurt raised his eyebrows and smiled, surprised by the love this unknown girl seemed to feel for him. "Goot night, Talia Joshephine, who ever hyu are." he said and tucked the blanket around her, feeling kind of silly doing it. He let himself out and shut the door behind him, wondering who the mother of this girl was, and why he felt like he shouldn't ask.