I keep forgetting to send you the description for mine. I'm almost done with a character head I'm working on. Can I send you photos when it's done? It's a spotted skunk named Edmund. Hoping to be finished in a week with it. He left a welt on my nose last night.
Whenever you have a free moment, send your request to chillymouse@gmail.com
I have been trying to use references to make the critters look like they should, but I don't think anything can beat out whatever style is in my pencil now, unless I'm trying to emulate something else on purpose.
Oooh those turned out so awesome! I love your layering effect with the colors - the blue undertones for roscoe. Whew, so so nice! And I quite love mine and the different take on it, it's sitll so very Neo. The cropping is really unique and fun. :D
I have my half all drawn up and ready to color as soon as I get back to my home location [stuck housesitting atm], which should be this Sat/Sun!
Thank you so much! Definitly sending people your way for some wonderul badges. [You are open to commission on them yes? Before I start blabbing at people that you are XD]
Comments 9
I keep forgetting to send you the description for mine. I'm almost done with a character head I'm working on. Can I send you photos when it's done? It's a spotted skunk named Edmund. Hoping to be finished in a week with it. He left a welt on my nose last night.
Whenever you have a free moment, send your request to chillymouse@gmail.com
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And I quite love mine and the different take on it, it's sitll so very Neo. The cropping is really unique and fun. :D
I have my half all drawn up and ready to color as soon as I get back to my home location [stuck housesitting atm], which should be this Sat/Sun!
Thank you so much! Definitly sending people your way for some wonderul badges. [You are open to commission on them yes? Before I start blabbing at people that you are XD]
And yeah I am definitely open! I should set a price in this journal
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and thanks! :)
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