For everyone wondering why I've fallen off the face of the Eaaarth:
So, moving has hit a halt because Dad decided we ARE stripping the carpets out of the new place and shaping up the floors. Which means I can't unpack anything because, ya know, things often go on the floor. This next week I'll be packing up everything I've already unpacked so that Jody - my contractor - and his guys can A. Tear up carpets, B. gut my kitchen, and C. give my bathroom a retiling face lift.
I HAVE NO INTERNET. I am online every blue moon or so because I come back to my parents' to run laundry. Once the contract work is done, that will be even less often. I will not be getting internet any time soon because the city wiring off property is not capable of sustaining anything worth a damn. DSL's out, I'm living in college student central so you can't pay me to share cable, and fiber optic is WAY too expensive. My parents are still using their Alaskan cellphones, but when they switch over in October, we'll look into getting me a mobile transmitter.
I live in Old Town, Lubbock. This means there are no internet hot spots nearby. I have to go across town to a Barnes and Noble before I get free internet. Ok, no, that's a lie. The McDonald's and Starbucks both have it, but since I have no reason to go to either of those places, they're less than convenient. And I don't know where they are.
After orientation, I should have my student passwords and such, so I might be able to use the university internet. I live 2 miles from campus and have an amazing bike, so that's a real possibility.
On the weightloss front, things are going splendid. I am in the 140's now - high 40's, but still 40's! - and I've finally gotten around to using the exercise DVDs I bought awhile ago - Physique 57. I LOVE them. They're fun, fast paced, and HARD, without being dangerous or undoable. I was still able to move the next day with only minor aches and those where the sort that said 'Oh, yeah. That was so worth it.' It uses Interval Overload, which is a fantastic workout method I'm familiar with from working with Russell those years in college. It pushes your muscles to the edge WITHOUT being dangerous. You're not going to hurt yourself if you're following their directions. You'll HURT, but that's a totally different thing than being injured. Also, they claim they've worked on making the workouts so it will take you a very long time to Plateau. I've only been doing it about a week, so I can't say Yay or Nay on that, but they have three different workouts broken up through out the week. It sounds sensible and it's very well-rounded.
I also HAVE seen results. I feel great, the muscle tone starts popping up immediately, and you feel like you're getting out what you put in instead of growling through a workout that doesn't seem to do squat-diddly.
My current goal is 140lb by July and I think that's totally possible. It's 8lbs, with a solid diet structure and now a consistent work-out plan. This summer will be my bitch.
In woobie talk, I'm hitting the end of my lead as far as social isolation goes. I desperately need to meet people to hang out with. It's hard because I don't know which parts of town are safe or what's the best method to get to and from the bars. I can't get work because I don't have access to internet to sift and apply. I'm hoping to sign up for dance classes, but I can't FIND the studio, even with written directions. I'm hoping google maps will solve that today, but it's hard.
I spent Saturday night crocheting my Regret Robot. I pulled out all the old buttons I have and said something I missed before I stitched it on. Now, whenever I miss Tikka and Becca, or knowing where the movie theater is, or having someone to go get dinner with, I can just hug my robot and feel a little less alone. He's wonderful.
Also, writing is currently a bust. I'm wiggling around in my fringe fandoms and hopefully those will perk up and want to play, but right now Tamora Pierce and DC Comics are both giving me the finger. I won't even start with original characters, since they are bitchy and mean.
Bebo's taking it hard being an only child, too. He's used to living in a house with four people and at least two dogs, if not more. He's bored, lonely, and full of energy, and I just can play with him every moment. He's taken to running away - not seriously, just down the block and making me track him down - which is a pain in the ass and he KNOWS better. It just emphasis how out of sorts he is. He only knowingly misbehaves when he really, really, wants attention.
I really want to thank
aravistarkheena for sending me letters. They've been fantastic and always brighten my day. MUCH LOVE, BOO!