Waugh, sorry this is later than usual. I forgot what day it was. >>;
Winners under the cut! Every icon received votes this week, with 3rd place only beating others by one vote. :3
desibabycakes 2nd:
shiokaze_senshi 3rd:
snooky81 Pick of the Week:
pasteleyes -----
desibabycakes, as this week's winner, would you like to pick our next theme? (The list of past themes is located
here.) Or would you prefer a specialised icon of your choice? Or neither? Please comment below with your decision ASAP! Remember that you will not be able to enter the next contest, regardless of your decision.
dgray_awards // Icontest for D.Gray-man; joiiin! They are in need of more voters, so you don't even need to submit. Go vote for teh pretteh. :3