This week's theme will be very different to all the other themes we've had before. It's called Unlimited. What this means is that anything is possible when submitting. To clarify:
a) You may submit whatever you feel like as long as it is SM related in any way. (i.e. you can submit anime, manga, live action, even text-only icons with quotes from the show, etc.)
b) Doujinshi and fanart are being accepted for this theme.
c) You may submit ∞ amount of entries. This means you can enter as many times as you want! I won't turn an icon away.
d) You may submit any icon that you have ever made, even ones that have been previously entered into icontests and that are older than 7 days as long as they have not previously placed in another community. Please be honest about that last part!
Leave a note if you have questions and/or your submissions need explaining. :]
Links to Sailormoon Galleries that you may find helpful.
Things to remember when submitting:
[.x] Your submission must be LJ-compatible: 100x100 pixels, 40kb or less. Gif, png or jpg format.
[.x] Submit both the image & the URL.
[.x] You have until Saturday at 11:59pm EST to submit. Note that I'm extending by a day.
I hope you all will have lots of fun with this theme! :D I'm looking forward to all of the entries.
Edit: Geez I'm regretting that ∞ rule now. -.-;;