It started this morning. Waking up at 8 during spring break is crazy .. not my thing. My mum, step-sister, and me left the house around 1o:oo. Well .. here's the day ..
they're small .. i know i know. so click on them ..
Down the road about 5 minutes away from my house.
15 minutes later ..
big ass house that use to be so small .. good job fellas. about 2 minutes away from the stop sign.
tree and airplane left overs.
red light, green light, 1.2.3
I lost track of time .. and place.
so many trees .. gone<\3
We had to make it to McDonalds before they stopped serving breakfast at 1o:30.
stuck in traffic .. so I took a picture of this guy.
we got there at 1o:29
crazy people ..
mm .. breakfast
gorgeous house
some church thing
my mum took that some how .. with my feet .. when i was sleeping
some place in monmouth
I giggled at that ..
went to shop rite
weird ass looking pizzas
yuck ..
oh baby!
who dat?
orange of the juice
who the fuck is that gangster?
i know her.
these women made me smile=]
damn straight
clever clever
so tired ..
We went back out after going back home for less tahn 5 minutes because we had to put the milk in the frige . and we went thrifting again, i got oddles of stuff .. I'll post pictures of it soon.