I thought this was funny: AEPi might be having an "anything but clothes" party on friday so kim, allison and i were all thinking about what to wear. Here are some of the highlights of my AIM convo with Kim:
I don't understand why things happen sometimes... And I don't like seeing RIP. I always read it as the word, not the letters. If I die, I don't want anyone writing RIP Lory. It's just so weird.
I think I'm going to stop drinking. I really don't see the point in it anymore. There's so much you can lose from it. Especially life itself.
Question: How many college students does it take to open a bottle of wine?
Answer: Two blondes, a brunette, and a knife- to stab the cork back into the bottle, releasing a spray of alcohol into the air. Also, a hall director knocking on the door and telling everyone he can hear them from a floor below.
If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of/with me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad.. happy or sad, just so long as it happened.
Or maybe a memory you'd like to make with me...
* Then post this in your journal to see what people remember about you.