til the end of the line

Apr 27, 2014 15:59

So I've now seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3 times and it is my favorite. Oh, Steve. Oh, Bucky. Natasha! Sam!

I could totally tell the parts they filmed in Cleveland even though they slapped Washington DC stickers everywhere lol. Fury's car chase down Euclid with everyone completely ignoring the diamond Bus Only lanes. And then the car chase/fight down the Shoreway where Bucky ripped the steering wheel straight out the windshield. I remember my dad (and half the rest of the city) was super annoyed when they closed down the Shoreway for filming but, "Who the hell is Bucky?" WORTH IT. (Sorry, dad.)

Anyway, I don't have a lot to say except that I loved basically everything about it and here, have some Steve/Bucky fluff.

дорогой- [Captain America Movies, MCU- Steve/Bucky] “Are you goddamn kidding me?” Fury asks when Steve shows up to the rendezvous point in Fredericksberg with the Winter Soldier.
Somewhat AU. Spoilers.

fic, captain america

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