So I saw the new Xmen movie tonight.. Overall... I was ehh impressed with it.
So a few things where cool about it and a few things sucked.. like.. WHY THE HELL DID WOLVERINE have bone claws before he had his Adamantium Claws? According to the comic books (puts his geek glasses on) Magneto rips wolverines adamantium skeleton out of him and his bone skeleton takes over and he gets his bone claws...
Second.. where was Capt. America and the rest of that crew? That Secret group he joined seemed to be along the lines of the story excepted for the fact that the hulk and all those other guys werent there..
*takes geek glasses off**
but from a non fan standpoint.. it was ok.. they could have killed off Cyclops *cough* *cough* but it wasnt half bad.
it could have been better..