Using PSP X. Translatable.
Go from
in 8 simple steps.
Step 1; Get your base, touch it up however you normally do, but don't sharpen it. You can sharpen it at the end if you want.
Step 2; Duplicate your base, and set it to Screen at an opacity between 40-70%.
Step 3; Layers- New Raster Layer, fill with #dbf3f9 . Set to Burn at 100%.
Step 4; Layers- New Adjustment Layer- Color Balance. Preserve Luminance checked:
Midtones: 31, 21, 48
Shadows: -14, 14, -25.
Highlights: 33, 18, 26.
Step 5; Layers- New Raster Layer. Fill with #0b0a3e . Set to Exclusion at an opacity between 60-100%
Step 6; Layers- New Adjustment Layer- Hue/Saturation/Lightness. Up the Master's saturation to 26.
Step 7; Layers- New Raster Layer. Fill with #daf8d8 Set to Burn at 40%.
Step 8; Layers- New Adjustment Layer- Brightness/Contrast.
Brightness; -6.
Contrast; Anywhere between 5-10.
Merge all, and you're done! A simple, beginner-friendly tutorial that can come in handy. =D
Other examples will be up later. =)