...and shit.
Pretty much just posting this to organize my own thoughts. Also (apparently) to practice LJ-ing stuff-not-text. Which I suck at.
So despite the fact that I've got other stuff to be working on *cough, deathfic, cough*, I keep coming back to planning a sequel for Hold On. Mainly 'cause I like that AU way too much.
As may or may not be tellable from my earlier
random-ass sleep-deprived post, the immediate thing I want to do is look at Tron's time on the Grid after Sam and Quorra leave but before anyone comes back. Seeing as Sam's... attached, he'll be back soon. But soon for Sam is still a while in the Grid. I figure what with reintroducing Flynn to the user world, he'll be fully occupied for at least a day (longer, but he'd check in after a day unless someone forcibly restrained him). But Sam coming back tomorrow still means a month and a half (~45 days) in-Grid. During which ALL sorts of shit will be happening.
So yeah. Tron-perspective/focused fic. Still VERY much in the planning stages. He's kinda a mess, even after what happens. :P Honestly, the opening is what... a milicycle after he got his own brain back? *shakes head* Yeah. Anyways, Tron's a mess, the Grid's a mess, and I'm wanting to look into exactly how his wonderful plan of "stick around and help fix shit" is supposed to work. Possible (though not yet set) fic-title is "Remnants". I like it, it fits the theme--I'm mainly hesitating 'cause my brain keeps claiming I'm ripping off the Animorphs author.
One problem I keep running into is characters. I have no faith in my ability to write OCs well. And at the same time, there really aren't enough characters left on the Grid. Tron(zler). Shaddox I figure I can use. I've pretty unfortunately established that Yori's out of the picture (might delve more into why/how with this fic, might not). Apart from that... lacking people.
So I decided to look more at the random disk wars peoples. I went to bed, planning to stare at the little displayed names in the morning... and woke up to find
it had been done for me. Much thanks to
infiniteviking and the others who added to the info there.
Long story short, I can haz not-quite-OC. Aurora. Shockingly enough I didn't pick her 'cause she's one of the only females (though after my own examination of the disk wars scoreboard, I'm pretty sure at least Hurd's also female). Nah, she's special because she's the one who takes advantage of Sam's distraction. When he does his box-jumping stunt, and the one program (Logg) gets distracted, she absofrackinglutely does not hesitate to take his head off.
Myeah. Managed to get a few pictures of her (which caused my vague belief that she's female). I'm going to have to OC sooner or later; there simply are not enough living programs by the end of the movie to rely on people with names. But finding the info on these guys still makes me happy. Also, it amuses me more than a bit--they've all got the same armor, which mean Sam's armor (which is halfway popular in merchandise and suchlike) is just the basic conscript gear.
Aurora: totally not male.
Okay, she looks female in these at least...
Poor doomed Logg
Aurora's blue!
...oh gods, I need to learn CSS better.