I'm interested to hear what all of you think about this, especially those of you with children of your own?
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090927/ap_on_re_us/us_more_school Do you think we should have longer school days and longer school years?
Personally I do not. I'd be all for an extended school year with say a few extra weeks but longer Christmas/Easter breaks and shorter school days but definitely NOT longer school days and surely NOT 3 hours longer! Some nights there arent enough hours in the day to get all of the homework, reading, studying done and still do dinner, baths, bedtime at a reasonable hour with my first and third grader and I'm a stay at home mom. I cant imagine how much more difficult it would be for a working parent to deal with all that. Not to mention that all these countries that Obama wants us to "catch up" to get 100-200 LESS instructional hours per year than we do. To me that clearly says the number of hours we're in school is not the issue here. Perhaps we need to look at the curriculum instead.
I had to cut stick tack out of Matthew's hair today. :( I was not too happy about that. I need to say something to his teacher tomorrow. His locker partner did it. And it appears that someone had tried to cut it out already but stopped. I'd like to know who that was. I'm even more upset that someone tried to cut it out than it actually happening. Thankfully it doesnt look terrible.
Michael woke up yesterday morning and was a bit on the crabby side. The first words out of his mouth were "My shower's too loud!" LOL He's so funny. He was just tired and didnt want to be in there.
I found a top hat for Michael. $24 after shipping. That's not too bad but it's more than I wanted to spend. Oh well. Hopefully Aunt Kathleen will offer to pay for some of it. It should be here within the week. I cant wait to see it on him. He's going to be so adorable.
Jacob has been talking more and more lately. I love it. Today at lunch he was so silly. I made stuffed cabbage for dinner Sunday and we were eating leftovers for lunch today. He ate a lot of it Sunday but only wanted mashed potatoes today. I snuck a bit of cabbage in his mouth with and he almost immediately took it out. He tossed it on the floor so I told him not to do that. A little while later I snuck him another bite and he did the same thing! Again I told him we dont throw food on the floor and he tells me "Doggie get it" We DONT have a dog! I dont even know why he would think that! lol He wakes up in the morning and then goes to wake his brothers up for school. He stands at the head of the bed and yells at Matthew "Get up!" With Michael he just steals his blankets. lol He gives the best kisses and hugs but he's quite stingy with them. I can't believe he's 18 months old already!
I went to Dad's tonight. We had a bottle of Witches Brew from Leelanau Cellars. It was good. His girlfriend invited us all up to her house for Thanksgiving. She lives out in Holly. Or I should say, she has a house out near Holly, she's at Dad's way more than she's at her house. It should be fun. She says she has lots of property. She wants me to bring my boys out to her house to go sledding this winter. They would love that! They are pretty crazy about her already. I think it's awesome that she gets down and plays with them.