wow this was a LONG one!

Feb 07, 2006 16:35

Would you support a ban on religious head-wear in public schools? I don't believe so.

What do you think about Paris Hilton? Not much, what is there to think.

you live in a city with a lot of Puerto Ricans? haha, city!? What city?

Are you lazy? I certaintly can be at times.

Do you sacrifice for your family? I probably should, more then I do.

TV or Music? Option C, Both.

Which do you use more often, your microwave or your oven? I am going to say microwave, since I still live at home with mom & pops and have meals cooked for me more often then not. :-P

Does your school use the cheap scratchy toilet paper? I am done with school, but from what I can remember, yes they did.

What kind of wedding dress do you want? Who knows! I have PLENTY of time to think about it and there are so many BEAUTIFUL dresses out there I am just not sure.

What do you think about childhood obesity? I think it is sad. And I think sometimes, most of the time, the parents could make better choices on thier childs diet and eating habbits.

Do you trust your doctors? For the most part yes.

Do you like spicy foods? I do. My stomach doesn't.

Is Harry Potter going to die at the end of the series? I have not read EVEN ONE of the Harry Potter books, so I really couldn't tell you what I think.

Is there an animal that you feel drawn to? Kittens & Puppies!

Would you ever name your child Lucifer? Hell No!

Can you touch your eyeball? I wear contacts, so yes.

Would you kill 10 million mice to save a random human? If I knew how to kill that many mice, possibly.

Do you like the smell of play-doh? Oh yes. Childhood memories.

At a stoplight, do you inch forward when the other person does? It depends, most likely yes.

Do you put your PopTarts in the microwave or the toaster? Microwave if it is available. Toaster if not.

You think you could make it as a pop star? If they fixed my voice like they do all of those "pop stras" then yes.

Do you like giving advice? Love it! Helps me keep my mind off my own problems.

Do rats live in your attic? No. My cats take care of them.

Do you play guitar? No. Have always wanted to learn though.

Have you ever had a job working with animals? No. But I was in 4H for many years.

Are you offended by Eminem? No. But I don't really listen to him either.

Do you miss having naptime in kindergarten? Oh yes! I think I had more naptimes in college then I did in kindergarten.

Are you emo? No Way!

When driving by roadkill, do you look at the animal or turn away? It depends on how bad it looks as I am driving towards it. Sometimes I am curious if it is just a racoon or someones pet. Thats sad.

Do you miss the 90's? Maybe, then again maybe not so much.

Do you have nice teeth? People have told me I do. But I think I would have to disagree.

Do the letters XXX remind you of hardcore porn, or the movie? Porn, or maybe Van Deisel. (or however you spell it.)

Do you think that being a Scientologist has negatively effected Tom Cruise's career? No. But I think people are just being proved more and more how strange he really is.

If you could only have one child, which gender would you prefer to have? Little boys melt my heart.

Are you overly talkative? At times. When I have not been able to talk to someone in awhile.

Does fire fascinate you? I love the fire place and candels. But I am not about to go lighting things up just to stare at it.

Is your toilet paper any color other than white? Nope. Just white. Although, my Grandmother has a peachy type color.

Do you know what Objectivism is? Can you please put it in a sentance?

Would you like to live in a castle? Not so much a castle as a really big cozy house. Castles can be cold & dreary.

Do you wish you had red hair? Not really, although maybe a darkish red would look good with my freckles.

Is there a birdbath in your backyard? Yes, surrounded by a flower garden.

Can you ignore an emotion? I am the most emotional person I know. So no.

Do you like to travel? Very much. Wish I could do it more.

Did you believe in cooties when you were younger? I don't think I was ever really big on the whole cooties thing.

Do you believe that there's life in outer space? I would think there has to be something. Even if it is just a little bug or soemthing.

Are you superstitious? At times, I guess I could be.

Do you share your bedroom with a sibling? When MLE is home then yes. But that is not very often at all.

Do you consider the word 'piss' to be offensive? No. But I don't use it very often, unless I really have to pee.

Is your hand bigger than your face? You know I just put my hand up to my face to check right?! haha. And No.

Do you have a problem with guys wearing tight girl pants? It is their choice.

Do you believe in astrology? Possibly more then I should.

Who is your favorite author? Jennifer Wiener and the one who worte Mr. Maybe I can't think of her name right now.

Do you like Invader Zim? What?

How many meals do you eat every day? Three. And snacks in between.

What is more important - love or success? I sure hope that I will have both. But I am a hopeless romantic and if you don't have love you don't have much.

Is there a difference between being insecure and being shy? Very much so.

Have you bought any Seinfeld DVD's? Nope. But I am all about the repeats.

Is it alright to be a redneck? My town is full of them.

Do you have love handles? Yes. And proud of them!

Have the most evil people in history come out of Europe? I think there are evil people from everywhere.

Do you drink soda with your breakfast? No. I don't drink soda.

Are artists generally more liked and respected after they die? I think so, sadly.

Are there a lot of rednecks in your town? Like I said, my town is full of them. Town nickname is "Hicksville"

If you hear a bump in the night do you feel frightened? Yes. I live in the middle of the woods, wouldn't you be?!

Does it make you racist if you hate all racists? No. Being racist is not a race, it is just a STUPID opinion.

Do you enjoy time alone by yourself? At times yes.

Have you ever been to a different continent? It's sad but no.

Do you ever stay online so long that you forget to eat? In college I am sure.

If you have ever pre-ordered a book or DVD online, what was the reason for pre-ordering? No.

Is ska dead? Ummm.

Is the card game UNO a game of luck or strategy? A little of both maybe.

Do you think Live 8 made any difference? Maybe, if I listened to it.

Did tall people scare you when you were young? No. I like tall people.

Do you enjoy the Discovery Channel? Yeah. They can have some pretty interesting shows.

Do you think it's weird that abortion is legal, but killing a pregnant woman is considered a double homicide? Well. This is getting into a whole mess of stuff but, I guess the abortion was the womans choice, where as her & her baby being killed was not.

Is cheerleading a sport? HELL YEAH! My younger sister was a cheerleader, she worked her ass off!

Do you own both a dictionary and a thesaurus? In my computer yeah.

Do either of your parents have a tattoo? No.

Are you comfortable dancing in public? Yeah, with my friends.

Do you think the US should apologize for slavery? I don't think it was a very kind thing, but I think it is the past.

When you go on vacation, do you buy souvenirs for your friends? Yes, and family.

Are you ashamed of being American? No. I am a proud American, anyone who isn't should move to a different country.

Is BET racist? NO. I used to watch it in college. But if there was a "WET" channel, some would see that as racist I am sure.

Have you ever had a computer virus? No. I had a MAC it ROCKED my world!

Do you think bad girls want good guys? Possibly. I am not what one would call a bad girl so I really couldn't tell you.

Do you think bad guys want good girls? Yes. Or 'good girls' always seem to want them. Or at least that is how the saying goes.

Do you watch the Andy Milonakis show? No.

Do you think Andy Milonakis is hot? No.

Do you think Usher is hot? Oh yes.

What about Eminem? I am gonna go with No on the one.

Chad Michael Murry? Now that I looked him up on Google, Yes.

Michael J. Fox? I am in Love in Michael J. Fox.

If you could only have one superpower, what would it be? Reading peoples minds when I wanted to.

Is fishing barbaric? No. As long as you eat what you catch.

Are you afraid of clowns? No. I thought clowns were supposed to be funny & make people laugh, not run & cry.

Are you getting sick of people quoting Napoleon Dynamite? I haven't heard anyone do it in awhile so no.

Would you have voted for Pedro? Possibly

Do you believe you are constantly changing? Not constantly no.

Does your family eat dinner together? Yes. Always have since I was little. I think it is a good thing.

Do you lift weights? Ha! No.

Have you eaten an apple today? Not yet, but I have one with for snack later today.

Do you have a lot of scars? No. Just two, one on my knee and one on my forhead.

Is school pretty much your social life? When I was in college yes.

Do you twitch for no apparent reason? Not often no. Just when I get those chills.

Is your best friend straight, bi, or gay? She is straight.

Would you ever consider visiting the Space Needle in Seattle? Yeah. If I ever went to Seattle for some reason.

Do you have a very noticeable nervous habit? Yes.

Are Communists and Nazis really about the same thing? In ways, sure.

Does your computer chair spin? Yes, work & home both.

Have you ever played Risk? Yes.

Can you play the piano? Mary Had A Little Lamb.

Do you think it is bad luck to walk under a ladder? It could be, if someone on the ladder dropped something on you.

Which is worse - soccer moms or cheerleading mom? Cheerleadin Moms can be tough.

Which is better - duct tape or masking tape? Duct Tape is the cure for all that is broken.

Do you think the United States is dying? I think we may have problems, but we have made it through worse.

Have you ever been to the emergency room? For me yes when I was little.

Are you scared of vampires? No. But Zombies, thats a different story.

Are you Greek? Nope.

Are you good at poker? I have no idea how to play.

Do nice people really finish last? At times yes they can, but when it really matters no.

Do you think you will die like Eleanor Rigby? Another one I had to look up on Google. And no, I don't think I will die in a church.

Can true art be defined? In different ways, by different people.

Do you fear that Iraq is slowly becoming another Vietnam? I don't know.

Is your first name very common? No. I have only met one other person with the same name and she spelt it wrong so she doesn't count.

Did the sixth Harry Potter book make you cry in the end? Like I said, never have read a single one.

Would you like to have more or less siblings? I am happy with what I have. Although, I have always wanted a brother.

Are bisexuals just greedy? No. They are just keeping their options open.

When your mother had you, was she younger or older than 25? Older. 27, I think.

Do you think the cities in the U.S. will look like Gotham city in the future? Ummm...

Is it ignorant to never read a book? Is that even possible?

Do you think you can become addicted to second-hand smoke? I don't think so. At least I hope not.

Would you want to run Willy Wonka's chocolate factory? That might be fun. Maybe for a week or so.

Do you throw things when you get mad? I used to yes.

Must one be cruel to be kind? How does that make any sense?

Would you ever buy a book just to make yourself look intelligent? No. I buy them to read them.

Do you own a Tiffany lamp? No. but wouldn't that be nice.

Are puzzles a waste of time? Not if there is nothing else to do.

Has a dentist ever given you laughing gas? Yes. When I was younger I had to have teeth pulled all the time.

Do you prefer rice or potatoes with your meals? Depends on what I am eating. Steak & Potatoes. Chicken & Rice.

Is it about winning or losing, or how you play the game? How you play the game, but I am sure winning is nice too.

Do you enjoy reading? Yes, very much.

Do you ever confuse left with right? It's "this way" or "that way" as I point in the correct direction.

Do you ever confuse wrong with right? I try not to.

Do you have more physical or emotional scars? Emotional by far!

Do you ever wear patriotic clothing? On the Fourth of July, an Old Navy Flag shirt.

Which capital city do you prefer - London or Washington DC? I have never been to London, so I will just have to wait and see.

Do you pity people that lie with no shame? They are just dumb.

Which do you own more pairs of - underwear or socks? Underwear. I am always losing socks.

Do you think you could make a good leader of your country? No.

Do you watch Nickelodeon? Yes, when I am with the Angels.

Do your friends act depressed all the time? Some maybe, but for the most part no.

Do you have any piercings? My ears.

Did you see Fahrenheit 9/11? Refuse to.

What movie soundtracks do you own? The Bodyguard, Tarzan, My Best Friend's Wedding, Rome & Juliet (the leo version) and Exit Wounds

Which Disney baby is cuter: Bambi or Dumbo? Dumbo.

Do you ever dream about celebrities? I don't ever really remember my dreams, but I don't think so.

Do you believe in the concept of an eye for an eye? At times yes.

When you first meet someone, are you quick to judge them? No.

Do you automatically give people respect if they are older than you, or do you make them earn it? If they are older then most likely I will give them repsect, but that doesn't mean they can't lose it.

Do you wear a Livestrong bracelet? I had one at one point, but never did wear it.

Do you have a lisp? No.

Do you think that Bush is power hungry? Nope.

Do you want it all? No.

Is jail really a punishment in today's world? I think it can be.

Do you think cooking shows are entertaining? No. My mom watches them all the time too.

Do you think Natalee Holloway will ever be found? Oh, No. I think she is gone, sadly.

If someone studies Wicca, would you refer to them as a Wiccan or a Witch? Witch I think. MLE's boyfriend's mom does and that is what she wants to be known as.

Are you addicted to Halo 2? Never played it so no.

Do you like pinball machines? Yes.

Do you use your thumb while typing? For the Space Bar yes.

Which Simpson sister is of lesser intelligence - Ashlee or Jessica? Sometimes I have to wonder if Jessica's stupidity is just an act.

Is Lisa the smartest Simpson of them all? If she were really, yes.

Do you like Shakespeare? I don't just like him, I LOVE Shakespeare.

Do you like to push the cart at the grocery store? I wouldn't say I dislike it.

Did you like this survey? It was way too long. But interesting questions.
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