Title: Data Ryoma. Author: smiling_tensai Fandom: Prince of Tennis. Rating: PG-13 Pairing: RyomaFuji. *gasp* =O Summary: Fuji has his own version of collecting data...
ahh yea lol. Thanks. ^___~ And about getting an account, I actually do have one, just not on fiction press. I have one on fanfiction.net though, but I don't really use it. Only to write reviews for other stories.
ahdkl;shdafkl;. FujiRyo. Well. Uh. I CAN'T REALLY SAY ANYTHING AS I'LL BE BIASED BEYOND HUMAN COMPREHENSION you know so. I won't. :P
Other than ahahaha data. (Also, "iyada" tends to be deadpan and bratty, so I can't really see Fuji saying it; Fuji's Japanese is really... silky, for lack of a better word. Silky and polite. Also scary if put in the right context, but that's another story.)
Yea...now thinking about it, you do have a point there. I was wondering why when I was reading it through, that I just couldn't imagine Fuji saying that. Ahhhh well xD
I'm not biased no what are you talking about. >>; <<;
^^' Fuji tends towards teasing rather than being bratty, hee. At least my Fuji does. And he's kind of. Interesting.
Most people on my flist are? :P I can't think of people who aren't Zukafuji shippers that can stand me, honestly. I do have people who ship other things (TezuAto and FujiRyo mainly) on there and I really don't know what to say to them other than "SORRY DDD: ♥♥"
lol neither am I, but I guess its fun writing about all different pairings. Prefer tezuxfuji to be honest. I don't really like sticking with just one pairing, I like to write about all kinds! =D
The only pairing I really can't stand though, is ryomaxsakuno *shudders*
Comments 17
All the innuendos! LOL I enjoyed this ALOT ♥
GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!
You need to get an account @ www.fictionpress.com
The are a couple of dead stories there =P
Other than ahahaha data. (Also, "iyada" tends to be deadpan and bratty, so I can't really see Fuji saying it; Fuji's Japanese is really... silky, for lack of a better word. Silky and polite. Also scary if put in the right context, but that's another story.)
Yea...now thinking about it, you do have a point there. I was wondering why when I was reading it through, that I just couldn't imagine Fuji saying that. Ahhhh well xD
I'm a tezuxfuji person if you was wondering. =3
^^' Fuji tends towards teasing rather than being bratty, hee. At least my Fuji does. And he's kind of. Interesting.
Most people on my flist are? :P I can't think of people who aren't Zukafuji shippers that can stand me, honestly. I do have people who ship other things (TezuAto and FujiRyo mainly) on there and I really don't know what to say to them other than "SORRY DDD: ♥♥"
lol, you are saying that people who are not tezuxfuji can't stand you? :P
The only pairing I really can't stand though, is ryomaxsakuno *shudders*
that was..AWESOME XD
write more soon!! *pokes ochibi*
Thank you Kumi-chan, glad that you enjoyed reading it. *huggles*
*huggles back*
I have a tendancy to write a lot of crack fics....so beware! =P
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