Fallen hopelessly in love - she visited me for the past few days, saw her off to the train station this morning, won't see her for some time as I will (SOMEDAY soon) get myself out of here and homeward bound.
Despite the soon to be 2k+ mile separation I feel HAPPY!
anyway - meme of the past 12 months follows:
January: Trains are evil, still less evil than plains, but not by much.
February: Knox Plague round 2 has hit - so I'm sniffly, sinus pressurey, and scratchy throaty :(
March: ... Let's see - I've spent basically sleeping and eating time in the apartment for the last week and a half - ALWAYS in the computer labs, class, or the digital electronics lab. ALWAYS.
April: Okay - so I _just_ woke up and got my ass out of bed about 30 minutes ago... What was new this time was the dream - just plain odd.
May: Well - it's been almost a month since I last posted. Yesterday I turned 22. Woop-de-doo.
June: So I "graduated" today - as in, I walked in the commencement ceremony
July: Well - picked up my first Paycheck from KCHD on thursday - about time too, I was down to merely 50 bucks in the old bank account.
August: Huh - all this from a guy who just barely drinks - random knowledge must be easier to absorb through the skin than alcohol
September: So-far today I've: Overslept on a nap I desperately, needed last night, Scrambled to do homework at 5:00am this morning - didn't get it done...
October: This weekend has been a fun one! :)
November: As you can probably guess by the title of this post that it will have something to do with the music to which I am currently listening.
December: ---- (this is the first post of December)