[Fic:] Make you come home (Part 1/9)

Jul 26, 2018 20:15

Title: (will be added once i know)
Author :
Word Count :600
Notes: so 5 days for 9 parts- better get this show going i guess, let’s see how far i can get it
used for
hd_birthdaybash bingo card: word square: “cake”

Summary: Baking himself a cake, Draco is haunted by his thoughts.
Warnings: angst - because you know this is me writing it
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Critically Draco eyed the cake in front of him.

Well, so it was a bit on the wobbly side, and the chocolate coating was not distributed evenly. But the whole baking experience was much harder than he anticipated. It was nothing like potions, not even a tiny bit!

Potter had lied to him once more.

But he had prevailed and managed it anyway.

He got himself a chocolate cake!

Not the most beautiful one, true. And he no longer had the funds to go and buy the most exquisite chocolate. Then again he wouldn’t know what the most exquisite brand of muggle chocolate was anyway.

He had learned the hard way that with muggles pricy did not equal quality at all. Something apparently every muggle knew.

There were ”special brands“ and ”special shops“ according to his co-worker.

But nobody ever took the time to clarify to him what ”special brand“ meant or where to find it.

Nobody cared to explain him a lot of things, and in a way he was lucky that Potter bothered with him. He would not have survived without Potter for long... and he would get lonely.

He had integrated all right, once Potter had helped him to get a job.

But while his colleges treated him nice, they also sometimes looked at him very suspicious. Especially when they were talking about weird things which he never had heard of before... he learned about the Tele-Vision (he still did not know what the tele meant, but muggles put it in front of quite some words) but it was the same problem as in real life: most of the things just went over his head.

He did like the music, even if the whole genre of pop was, in his eyes, sickenly laced with love: rejected, lost, or unwanted. But it had a nice beat to it, mostly.

With a small sigh Draco put his wobbly cake away.

At least there would be cake this year.

Last year he still had hopes that at least on his birthday he would be allowed to have contact with his parents. Or that his mother would be allowed to sent him a cake and presents, or a letter just telling him that they are well.

But that did not happen.

Later on Potter told him, that the Ministry meant it’s sentence: Ten years under Ministry supervision as a muggle, without contact to anybody in the wizarding world. And then there would be an “evaluation“.

He knows already perfectly well that in ten years time he will be of absolutely no use to anybody in the wizarding world. That was if they allowed him to come back at all.

And even if they would allow him back- what good would it do him? As far as he knows Pansy had to flee, after the Parkinson Estate was burned down, Blaise was in Italy, with Greg.

According to Potter Blaise would look after Greg.

Something that would have been his job but well the war changed that.

The war changed everything.

Especially his parents.

Ten years... would his father survive this long?

They never managed to talk things out- most likely this would turn into his biggest regret.

He huffed at himself and sat down on his small couch.

Everything he owned now was small.

Truth was if Potter hadn’t managed to get him a stipend out of his own vault, he would be on the street, where most likely everybody wanted him.

He put his head on his knees.

He hated his dark thoughts, and how they always seemed to find him.

Part 2

This entry was originally posted at https://smirkingcat.dreamwidth.org/95739.html.

pairing: hpdm, challenge, genre: angst, fanfiction, fandom

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