
Mar 14, 2009 15:01

Nominations will be opening soon, so here are the rules.

We know being anonymous makes it easy to break some of these rules. We're trusting you to be fair to us, the authors, and other readers and not cheat.

Nominations and Nominees

  1. Since it's all anonymous anyway, you may nominate yourself. Please be fair and nominate/review other authors as well.
  2. You may not make multiple nominations per category. This includes nominating the same story multiple times.
  3. A story can only be included in one category. If you want to nominate a story that could fit into two categories (including Classic/New crossovers), choose its main focus. We have the right to reject stories that don't belong in the categories they are nominated for. We may also contact the author for help categorizing a story.
  4. We are not accepting Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, or multi-fandom crossover stories in Round 1. Small cameo appearances are allowed, as are stories about Sarah or Jack, but the story must be primarily based in Doctor Who itself.
  5. Stories must be complete. No works in progress.
  6. Characters in adult situations must be at least 18 years old. If the age of a character is unclear, it will be up to the mods to decide whether or not to accept the story.
  7. The mods will throw out any story written in excessively poor English. We know this is subjective and will try to be fair, but our decisions are final.
  8. One story per author per category. If an author is nominated twice for a category, we will accept their most recent work.
  9. There will be 10 nominees per category. We will choose them based on how many nominations they received, how well they fit into their categories, and which stories are most recent. We may have to use other criteria, in which case we will explain what. The limit may get raised to 15 if we get enough nominees in enough categories, but no more.
  10. If there are less than 5 nominees for a category we hold the right to merge them into another category. This may change the total number of nominees in that category.
  11. We may reject any nomination for any reason if there is a consensus among the mods that we should do so.
  12. All nominations must contain: title and author, a link to the story, a Livejournal account or an email address which the author has made public (preferably the first) where we can contact the author for permission, an age rating, any warnings that apply, and a short mini-review explaining the nomination.
    1. We may or may not accept other means of contacting the author, at our discretion.
    2. We won't accept stories by anonymous authors. Stories posted through sock puppet accounts are acceptable if we can contact the author through that same account.
    3. The mini-review is not a vote. It is a spam prevention measure and a way of encouraging people to only nominate stories they really like. You will be allowed to vote on a story you've nominated once voting is open.
    4. The link you provide cannot be to a members-only/friends-only page.
  13. A story will only be included once we have the author's permission.
  14. All decisions are final, but an explanation can be requested. We will not announce which stories have been rejected, nor will we announce which authors have refused their nomination. If you think a story has been rejected unfairly contact the mods and we will try to give an explanation.
Votes and Winners

  1. Winners will be voted on by reviews. Positive reviews are votes for, negative reviews are votes against. Neutral reviews are not counted as votes.
    1. Votes will only count if the rules have been followed and the vote/story is clearly visible in the subject line of the review.
    2. Flames will not be accepted. A negative review isn't a flame, personal attacks aimed at the writer/other reviewers are. We hold the right to keep screening a review/comment even after voting has ended. Reviews will not be deleted and can be unscreened at the request of the author of the story or if there is another pressing reason to do so.
    3. Reviews should be done anonymously.
  2. You may review your own story. Please be fair and review other authors as well.
  3. You may not review/vote on the same story multiple times.
  4. In the case of a tie, both winners will be given the award.

If you have any questions, you can reply to this post to ask them.

round: 1, !rules, !questions

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