Day 5 of Fasting

Mar 06, 2009 09:11

Today starts the fifth day of the Baha'i Fast. Been participating in the fast since I was 15, so this isn't anything new. 19 days from sunup to sundown, no water, no food. Pretty cushy as fasts go. This time of year is almost exactly 12 hours of fasting a day, give or take. No heat, so don't get as thirsty. I usually manage to get myself up in time for some breakfast, and find that a drink of water and a snack holds me over from sunset to dinner.

It's supposed to be a time for mindfulness and living with purpose. Oh, nothing more mindful than a rumbling stomach. ;-)  And I ALWAYS become obsessed with food during the fast too. New recipes and watching cooking shows.

Next week will be easy-peasy, with the time change I have until 7:15 for sunup, which is when Stuart and I have to leave for school. So I bet that today is the only day I end up missing breakfast. I assure you that was a mindful choice. The alarm went off, I looked up and said, "Nope, missing breakfast today. I'll just pray harder." LOL. As Rainn said in his twitter last week. " i'm light-headed and starving. My soul, however, is sated.
Oh, also got this on Twitter (@crystallin for those who follow)

RT @Searchbuzz What does one TRILLION dollars look like?

fasting trillion

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