Merlin was fairly good.
There was an awful lot of what I think of as BBC acting - people who probably have talent, but put completely the wrong emphasis on their lines, or look like they just wandered in from a grammar school drama class. Hopefully someone knows what I mean. New!Who is full of it, and I suspect it might be bad directing as much as bad acting. Eve Myles was awesome, though. I think she was the only outstanding performance.
I'm also getting slightly weary of characters who are 'special', and more-so of the characters who keep reminding us how special these guys are. BBC, I hope you're listening to this - show us. Stop telling us. Stoppit. Now.
But I did enjoy it really. I liked Arthur. And how gorgeous is that woman who plays Morgana! Especially in the dress near the end. *Purr*
I've also finished watching season 1 of Six Feet Under
Generally, it's awesome. Sometimes I really cringe (Claire and David need to stop staring blankly at people before my embarrassment squick throttles me), sometimes I have to look away (the ones where children are killed), and sometimes I wish things had happened differently, but at the end it all... works. I've heard it called pretentious, but I didn't get that impression. Of course, I just misspelled 'impression' twice so I'm probably not clever enough to spot pretension when it's pole-dancing in front of me.
My favourite character changed about three times an episode. I think I loved Claire the most. David and Nate are most awesome when they're interacting. I'm still undecided on Brenda. Actually, I'm a bit iffy on all the siblings' other halves - Brenda confuses me, Gabe plain scares me, and I'm convinced Keith is going to utterly break David's heart at some point.
But yeah. Enjoying much. And starting season 2 very shortly.