Son of Fanfic Poll

Aug 26, 2006 17:54

Even though I should be writing, my brain keeps flipping around the latest permission kerfluffle and while I have my own opinions on all that, I'm aware that my perspective is slightly skewed because (there is no way to not make this sound egotistical, is there?) a lot of people have asked to write in universes I've created.

I started a meta but then couldn't figure out what my point was, so I decided to do what I always do: Collect more data.

One thing I want to make very clear is that I'm not looking for people to respond to how they WOULD react or what they WANT the right answer to be, but to describe actual experiences. Everyone has a right to their personal emotional reaction and if I get the idea that there might be backlash to people's truthful answers, I'll shut down the viewing permission to just me. Because that's totally uncool.

For the purpose of this poll, I limited a number of things.

1) We're just talking about fic. Written word. Not fanart or vids or DVD commentaries or public critical discussions. We COULD talk about those, but for now, I fele that would be comparing apples to oranges and that wouldn't help my meta. We're also leaving out original fiction, published or otherwise. (Although you fic people who write published works are really have the potential to skew my conclusions and I'm thinking of one of you in particular.)

2) For the purposes of this poll, a FRIEND is defined as someone you had semi-regular conversation with on LJ, email, an online messenger service, real life, etc. at the time the twice-derivitive fic was written.

3) For the purposes of this poll, a STRANGER is defined as someone you had either never exchanged correspondence with or have had limited interaction - they gavefeedback, you thanked them, etc.

4) A few of the things I wanted to ask and didn't included whether those strangers are now friends and whether you currently have a stated open-door policy or not. I ultimately decided they would complicate the poll and irritate me, so if there's any of those extra details you'd like to add, question eight is a free skate.

5) I make no differentiation between one-shot fics and shared universes in this poll. While I do feel that there's a difference (the latter tends to inspire more participation than the first in my experience) for the purposes of the poll, I'll take either.

6) There are some radio box questions and some ticky box questions. The reason there's a ticky box is because people have had a wide array of multiple experiences and in one instance, the experience met one option, but another experience met another. So you can pick more than one.

Poll A Little Background Perspective

ETA: *mutter* I flipped a couple of the radio buttons/ticky box things, so if you want to answer more than one to something, just drop a note in the Question 8 box. Also, if you couldn't tell, the silly word in that question is "contributory" which somehow lost its first letter along the way and I can't edit it...actually, I don't know how to edit polls anyway, but if I did, I couldn't edit it without losing the current answers.

Son of ETA: Even if your answers to the main questions are "No" please take the poll anyway because otherwise my data will be all random and weird.

Son of ETA the Sequel: THIS ONE'S IMPORTANT. When the poll says "derivitive" what I mean is that someone built upon your ideas and borrowed things from the story you wrote - not posted it under another name, failed to give you credit, or otherwise published a piece that would meet the definition of plagiarism.

fandom, writing

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