Meme stolen from spacekadette

Feb 20, 2008 12:00

History of Smjor


1. Raised in: The icy wilds of Minnesota.

2. Planned baby: Not even a little.

3. Birth date: 20 August, 1980

4. Any siblings: Two half sisters that I know about. My father is unknown, so I suppose there are more.

5. Younger or older: All known siblings are well younger than myself.

6. Hair color: Red.

7. Hair length: Past shoulders.

8. First school: Bel Air Elementary. Interesting side note: I just Googled it to confirm the correct spelling. Their website is terrible, and riddled with spelling errors. Good to know that their rigorous academic standards have not flagged in the least.

9. Eye color: Dark brown.

10. Best Physical Feature: (I made this one up, because #10 was missing.) I would say my lips or my hands. Everyone else would probably say my giant tits.

11. Mood: Cranky. I am trying to motivate myself enough to go to work, but it is hard going. Do not want.

12. Smell: Freshly showered.

13. Height : 5'4"

14. Lefty/righty: Lefty.


1. Do you remember your first real relationship? Of course.

2. Do you believe in love? Does it matter? Love isn't Tinkerbell, it doesn't require my faith to exist.

4. Have you ever been heartbroken? Of course.

5. Are you liking someone now? Not really.

6. Have you ever fallen for a friend? Yes. God yes, and what a disaster that always is.

7. Are you afraid of commitment? Terrified. I have been in so many relationships with ridiculously controlling bastards that I am terrified of giving up even the smallest bit of freedom for fear of what it will lead to.

8. Do you believe in love at first sight? No. Lust, yes, love not at all.


1. Love or money? Money. Just because no one ever chooses money over love, and I enjoy being the odd duck out.

2. White Sox or Cubs? How about a new, third option? How about a paradigm wherein our perception of our own worth, and the feelings of tribal defensiveness are not based on what strangers in an arena during the course of a game that does not resemble a single aspect of natural competition (hunting, being chased, etc.)? I think this nation needs to quit playing with it's balls and find something less irrelevant to be obsessed with. (For the record, I don't care one way or the other about actual sports, but I find the concept of getting worked up and identifying so strongly with certain teams or whatever to be really incomprehensible. I just don't understand it, and if you can explain it to me, please do so.)

3. One night stands or relationships? A one night stand is a form of a relationship. Any person that you have an interaction with is a type of relationship. You have a relationship with your bank teller, your mother, your girlfriend, your boss, the lady at the DMV, etc. But for the sake of argument, I choose one night stand.

4 Television or internet? The Internet.

6. Fun night out or romantic night in? Stay in.

7. Phone or in Person? Text messaging or email.


1. Have you ever been used? Yes. A thousand times yes.

2. Have you ever skinny dipped? All the time. I don't even think I've owned a bathing suit in probably five years, at least. I hate the way they feel, and I don't care if people see me naked.

3. Have you ever done something you regretted? Not really. I don't regret things. There are plenty of things that I would do differently given the chance (anyone who says they wouldn't is a fucking liar), and there are things that I wish could have turned out differently, but no actual regrets.

4. Have you ever been on a house boat? Yes. Could this question be more random?

5. Have you ever finished a whole jawbreaker? Yes. I love my teeth, and I love gobstoppers. I never bite (candy, I mean), and I know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop.

6. Have you ever colored your hair? Boy Howdy, have I ever. I used to dye it so frequently that it started to fall out at one point. Colours my hair has been: Bright green, dark blue, hot pink, baby pink, purple, lilac, black, black, black, black, hunter green, black with dark green highlights, bright red (like a fire engine), safety orange, and a thousand shades of natural red.

7. Have you ever been streaking? Of course.


1. Are you missing someone right now? Not really. Maybe HitlerFish.

2. Are you talking to anyone right now? Only your mom. She says hi.

3. Are you hot? It depends on who you ask. Some say yes and drool a little. Others want nothing to do with me.

4. Are you blonde? Never.

5. Are you smart? Yes. This is one aspect of myself where I have no modesty. I am wickedly smart, and I'd be willing to place money that I am smarter than you. If you go by IQ or SAT scores alone I win by a mile nearly every time. I used to be a math retard, but even that I have learned to be smart in, and I am working hard to make up for lost time in it.

All of that said, I want to clarify something. Being smart isn't hard. Anyone who has even average intelligence can be smart. All it takes is dedication and it might take more hard work for some people than for other. Go to a library, start reading books and don't stop. You will get smart. No big deal. So yeah, I think I'm pretty fucking smart, but I also don't think that being really smart is any bigger of an accomplishment than learning how to dunk a basketball well, or fire a gun with terrific accuracy. They are all acquired traits that a person can learn. Intelligence is a different matter, but it's also not the question here so I will refrain from comment.

6. Are you Russian? No. But I've had sex with a few in the past, so I guess you could say that I had a little Russian in me then, haha.

7. Are you tired? Practically always.

8. Are you Indian? Not even a bit, and boy does it piss me off every time I fill out my applications for financial aid at school. My mother spread her legs like it was going out of style, would it have killed her to put out for a RESident? (That's what we used to call the people who lived on the reservations. Resident, get it?)

9. Are you Irish? Not that I know about.

10. Are your parents still married? Ha! So funny!


1. Do you get depressed about things easily? Not really. I get depressed fairly often, but it's not about any specific thing, it's just a general melancholy that I am struck with.

2. Do you live life to the fullest? Probably too full in some people's estimation, but not enough in the opinion of others. As for myself, I feel like I do okay. Sometimes I don't live it to it's fullest, but I make up for that by really plunging in headfirst sometimes.

3. Are you comfortable with the way you look? No. The only time I have ever liked the way I looked was when I was having a bad patch in my life and was down to about 80-something lbs (some of you may remember this time.) Even then I was wishing I had a flatter stomach.

5. Are you scared of growing old alone? No. I am only scared of dying alone and having my cats devour my corpse before anyone discovers my body.

6. What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't want to grow up.

7. Favorite season? Monsoon season in Phoenix, spring in Minnesota and London, summer in San Fran

8. Are you a vegetarian? Usually.

9. the song you're listening to? I don't know, some sort of hip hop shit.

Now repost this as The History of_______ Your name
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