I Told Ya I'd Put More Pictures

Jun 17, 2003 20:56

These were from Jaymone's birthday shizzle at Denny's.
It was so much fun...
As you can tell we are.. wierd?
I love my Jaymone!
Hes the one with the long blonde curly hair.
Hes on there quite a lot.

These were taken on the way home from Denny's in Salina's Mustang.
I was being hecka weird with the camera.
Oh well I got a few good pictures.
I stuck the camera outside the window in a lot of them.
Thank god I didn't drop it.
I also tried taking pictures of cars passing us the opposite way but they didn't turn out.
I also stopped doing that after I took a picture and it flashed brightly on a cop..

These were taken in Capitola after Salina and Kat's plan was followed through.
I took a quick picture of the beach before Salina and I took off to her car.
It was suprising to see a Nob Hill so I took a snap.
Those three bumps under the blanket are Liz, Me, and Salina.
Katherine was laughing about how funny it looked so I told her to take a picture.

This is the most recent picture of myself.
I took it at Nin's house after walking over there.
Good times.
I have pictures of her but I don't think she wants them on here.

I got it two weeks ago.
If you can't tell its on the back of my neck.
It means Indepedence.
It looks kinda faded because of the flash and I didn't put anything on it yet.
I'm in love with it.

This is for Nin.
She loves my cat Whiskers and I saw him sleeping with his ear folded and I just had to take a pik.

I'll be putting more pictures on maybe tomorrow or Thursday.
I got some great pictures of the kids at Christina's party today.
mmmm KTM Boys half naked and wet.
Thats all for now.
*kissy face*
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