All my Lj friends should go on a cruise together!

Nov 18, 2004 12:48

I went to sleep night before last at 6:30am..well I had class at 12:30 thought I would be fine. I woke up at 3:30!!! I was like holy fuck! I’ve missed way to many days in that class….I swear I might flunk it…*psh* oh well

Anyways..I took Mahala to the grooms for the first time…and she did so good! I’m letting her coat grow out so they just washed her and trimmed around her face and gave her Yorkie tips! Finally! She looks like this now…

Edit: Well the pics...where huge and I'll save you guys some eye sight. I'll post them later..

When her coat grows out she will look like this!...she already looks like this with her hair in a bow but yeah..

Anyways it was funny cause pudding the pug wont walk…she kept going to sleep in the floor at petsmark and would make me drag her until I picked her up…shes so spoiled and lazy!

I saw a shooting star on the way home! I hella made a wish so fast….can’t tell you what it was!

*pause* (12:15) I have class at 12:30 I’ll brb!! DAMN!! I hear the train! Fuck!….bbl

Okay!! Wanna know how much of a fool! I feel! I get up…pack my shit up and walk down the dame stairs only to look up at the clock and see its not 12:15 its 11:15!!

Damn laptop didn’t set its self back…



Where was I? Oh yeah my wish! Still can’t tell ya…

Last night I took an hour bath followed by an hour shower. I happen to think just washing in a tub is nasty! Your bathing in your own filth. That’s just wrong.

Um…My aunt connie called…and her my uncle fred…my cousin Kris and his son Zachery…is coming for Thanksgiving…and my gay uncle Stanley…and my aunt Kathy and uncle Bobby…

This is just sad. My mom has 9 brothers and sisters and we have a HUGE family…because now their kids have had kids…and for years we all celebrated every holiday together…and it was great!!

All my cousins…are like brothers and sisters…it’s the native way.

But for the last 2 years or so….we’ve had serious drama…so now…3 of the sisters do their own thing….1 brother is dead, his kids don’t come around anymore because of drama…1 brother doesn’t come around anymore because of drama…..and my mom and my gay uncle and my two aunts do their own things…

And its just sad….cause its their drama…and if we try to call are other family everyone gets mad…I’m not allowed to speak to my cousin cole…cause my mom hates his mom now…and when I do call anyway I hear bitching for days!

“what did he say about me!? What did he say about his mom!? You better not had told him none of my business!!!”

I’m like WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! How arrogant to think our convo was about you!! When you weren’t even MENTIOND…. “I don’t believe that…I know you”

UH….ACTUALLY you don’t know a fucking thing about me you blind mental cuntface!!

*psh* that’s their beef…I happen to LOVE my family…and will not be kept from them! So me and my cousin Brandon have decided to drive down to Ga around Christmas and see our family that we have been ostracized from. I mean…damn cole is my twin brother…he was born 6 mons before me and they named him cole and me Nicole…they even dressed us alike! Same crib same bottle! And you think your gonna keep us apart…


Um…BUT Kris is coming..Oh man I miss the hell out of him! My mom raised him! So hes always been around…hes taught me everything…from fighting to basic street smarts..can’t wait to take pics of everyone!!

I wonder where my cousin Kevan will go for thanksgiving…every year since I can remember he has spent holidays with us…and now that he is married and has currently checked out of the family…he doesn’t even associate with his mom and dad anymore…*sigh* thanksgiving wont be right without him there….I hope by Kris coming this year I wont be so depressed about Kevan not coming…He really hurt me. But *sniffs* I guess I’ll be alright!!.

Oh YEAH!!! I talked to Estrella the other night…shes so cool! We talked about good stuff. Yep we did…and I realized I still got it…well a little ;)

oh yeah...would you look at that mood up there ^ whens the last time you seen that!? I'm all cute today! I got up and took 3 hours getting ready!

All dressed up and no wear to go.
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