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Nov 30, 2010 21:57

Family structure, more leaning toward oyabun-kobun hierarchy

+virtue in dealings

structure - oyabun-kobun. initiation of family. more definite and structured than the loose system of the mafioso clan -> more tightknit?
(in order of influence)
kumicho (boss, head of clan/family)
saiko komon (senior advisor - european equivalent: underboss. second in command. trustworthy? advisor)
so-honbunchou (headquarters chief - head of the household - ??? work this out later)
wakagashira (first lieutenant - governs several gangs/groups within a region) & fuku-honbucho (essentially similar responsibilities)
shateigashira (local boss of those regional gangs)

Member connection ranked by hierarchy of sakazuki, sharing of sake. kumicho at top, control various saiko komon (senior advisors)

ceremonial sharing of sake from a single cup. formalizing relationship of the family. ties to own family/relationships are cut, loyalty transferred to kumicho and the clan itself.
refer to each other as family members (father, elder and younger brothers, etc)

not all are part of family, though. associates. used for their standing/influence (ie politicians, businessmen, loan sharks)

follow the Sicilian custom of taking in members unaffiliated with authorities. must have clean backgrounds (no turncoats, no two-faces). test for obedience, loyalty, dedication. be certain of this. does not have to be blood relatives (related family members discouraged from holding positions in inter-clan bodies at the same time)

code of silence/Omerta - forbids mafiosi from betrayal to authorities. penalty most often is death/murder of relatives. this goes for clients of protection as well

theft forbidden
do not appropriate funds from other clans/families
main source of revenue/income: protection racketeering. businesses, politicians, landowners, traffickers, red-light districts
in turn, gain protection from authorities/law

income and hustle a sort of 'feudal tax'. response to local disaster swifter than official authorities -> influence to pull it off

blackmail, obtaining incriminating or embarrassing information about a company's practices or leaders. Once the yakuza gain a foothold in these companies, they will work for them to protect the company from having such internal scandals exposed to the public. Some companies still include payoffs as part of their annual budget

involvement in sports. ie professional wrestling. promotions, support, business loans. percentage received from the gate. influence performances a little

investments in large-scale legitimate companies/business. stocks, stockmarket, realty and banking.

protection from theft - make it business to know all thieves/fencers in district/territory. use contacts to find thief if protected business is hit, recover goods/stolen property. punishment for unauthorized thieves. block resale of loot where able (essentially, roadblocks)

protection from competition - protect businesses/businessmen from competitors (large-scale or individual). threats, sabotage, bully. pressure sales. oversee agreements, set up economic roadblocks

drug trafficking - heroin refineries, distribution, smuggling

firearms trade/trafficking

sex-trade - smuggling of uncensored pornography - japan. sex-trade workers/prostitution, red-light districts [NOTE] less focus on this aspect in this family. leave it to other clans unless necessary

FORBIDDEN ACTIVITIES (for this family at least?)
Theft. No petty theft, burglary, mugging ,etc
No appropriating monetary assets from affiliated families. keep things neutral
human trafficking -> sex trade. dojima morality at work here
kidnapping, invites hostility from authorities and general populace. just don't do it

check with mods? kumicho: investigator, affiliated with the local PD. redirects investigations.

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