Damn it's going to be a busy week!

Mar 30, 2004 02:30

So it turns out I didn't have a test in sociology today. I'm so glad. That would have sucked. I wasn't sure so I looked over the notes on my way out the door but really hadn't studied much. So that was good to find out but, then I went to humanities and got re-reminded that a research paper is due on Wednesday and I haven't started. That also means ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

absoluteremix March 30 2004, 06:29:10 UTC
Oh Ryan is still a dick, he's always a dick! You just have to decide if you want to put up with his shit. Because he can be a cool guy when you get to know him and hang out with him. You just always have to tell yourself that he's a dick and may screw you over when he's got the chance. Don't get me wrong, I love em to death but, you just gotta keep an eye on him!! ;)


perpetualbloom March 30 2004, 08:55:28 UTC
aww. good luck with all your girls! =) but first most Good luck on your test and papers! phew..that's a lot of work. I kind of miss school.


smooth_operater March 30 2004, 09:12:51 UTC
lol you make it seem like I am a pimp. It's not like that at all...

Have we met before?


smooth_operater March 30 2004, 09:42:28 UTC
I forgot to add that I herd something about the orignal girl I wanted to get to know better that actually gives me a chance. =)


reverend_zwyng March 30 2004, 12:36:08 UTC
4 table set? with you?
i'm down as shit,dude.i've never done it before,but i'm down.


smooth_operater March 30 2004, 12:53:33 UTC
cool. It starts at nine on Friday. Can you bring your mixer? If not we will be using stinky-p's American dj mixer.


reverend_zwyng March 31 2004, 12:03:55 UTC
i won't be able to be there till a little later than that,cuz i'll be working...but you can use my mixer.. hit me up,bro


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