So yea, I'm out of the shower now...

Mar 25, 2004 14:23

So I went to the 10/10 last night to do the Wednesday Getaway thing. I had a good time but I was a little disappointed with crowd. I was hoping since about 600 flyers were passed out last weekend the crowd would grow but, it seemed to have shrunk from last Wednesday. Last Wednesday was spring break though. O well there is always next week and on ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

animated_echo March 25 2004, 18:43:05 UTC
wish I could have made it out... :(


smooth_operater March 27 2004, 18:20:26 UTC
Their is allways next week...

Yea Meagon you should come to.

Hopefully the extra speakers and amp will be there this week. They were some dood named tattoo chris's and he said he was comming back to pick them up. Now I hear Disco is in jail and he is the one who knows tattoo chris. ;/


sullenchaos March 25 2004, 20:25:54 UTC
I'm going to try and make it next week.


elvis_minor March 25 2004, 23:11:13 UTC
I'm adding you to my list... but don't worry about checking mine... it's just pointless bullshit... all I really do in it is bitch about you...


smooth_operater March 27 2004, 18:22:00 UTC
I didn't know you thought of me so much. fuckin weirdo ;)


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